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NeutralInsider Trading
Start Al'dalil [56.7, 31.8]VZ-OribosBlip
End Al'dalil [56.7, 31.8]VZ-OribosBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] The Al'ley Cat of Oribos
Next N [60] Seeking Smugglers


Speak with various broker cartels around Oribos.


I am the foremost expert on broker culture. However, relationships between cartels are complicated and unstable.

Cartel So holds a small presence here in Oribos, which means the other cartels may have knowledge that I do not. Ask around; with your renown, surely they'll have whatever information that we are missing.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s


Have you had a chance to speak with the other cartels?


How rude! They should be aware of who they are talking to.

I apologize for my kin, Maw Walker.


Cartel Ta, Overseer Ta'readon in the Hall of Curiosities:

Welcome to our bazaar, my friend. We are here to serve.

Gossip What can you tell me about Cartel So?

Overseer Ta'readon says: Cartel Ta avoids meddling in the affairs of others. It is to protect business. I am sure you understand.

Cartel Ba, Emissary Ba'silk, in the Enclave:

Maw Walker.
How may I be of service to one of your kind? I trust my kin have found ways to make your stay here more comfortable.
Like you, this is a temporary home for us. It seems our own purposes intersect here.

Gossip What can you tell me about Cartel So?

Emissary Ba'silk says: We have little to gain from lesser cartels. Whatever Cartel Al and Cartel So are bickering over, it is not our concern.

Cartel Zo, Zo'sorg, in the Enclave:

Well met, Maw Walker.

Gossip What can you tell me about Cartel So?

Zo'sorg waves off your question, shooing you away.

Cartel Au, Foreman Au'brak, in the Hall of Shapes:

Welcome, stranger. We are at your service.

Gossip What can you tell me about Cartel So?

Foreman Au'brak says: You have been seen with Al'dalil. A word of caution: choose your friends carefully, and your enemies more so.


  1. N [60] The Al'ley Cat of Oribos
  2. N [60] Insider Trading, N [60] Things Best Kept Dark
  3. N [60] Seeking Smugglers
  4. N [60] Above My Station
  5. N [60] Dead Drop
  6. N [60] Coins for the Ferryman
  7. N [60] The Veiled Market
  8. N [60D] Tazavesh: Raiders of the Lost Artifact

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