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Inv 10 blacksmithing craftedoptional engineering uprez
  • Inspired Order Recalibrator
  • Binds when picked up
  • Requires Level 70
  • Crafting Reagent
  • "A gizmo built on the premise of becoming stronger, together."

Inspired Order Recalibrator is created by Dragon Isles Engineers who have been temporarily granted the ability via Ability evoker blessingofthebronze [Ancient Memories] and is used to create the evoker legendary Inv hand 1h evokerlegendary d 01 [Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy] during the quest N Evoker [70] It Takes a Village to Make an Artifact. It requires the following reagents:

Materials required ( 100 100 100 ):
Inv 10 enchanting2 magicswirl bronze 80x [Temporal Vestigial] Inv misc questionmark 50x [Fleeting Glowspores]
Inv 10 elementalspiritfoozles fire 3x [Fiery Soul] Inv 10 elementalspiritfoozles frost 3x [Frosty Soul]
Inv 10 elementalspiritfoozles air 3x [Airy Soul] Inv 10 elementalspiritfoozles earth 3x [Earthen Soul]
Inv 10 engineering manufacturedparts electricalparts color1 50x [Arclight Capacitor]

Inv 10 enchanting2 magicswirl bronze [Temporal Vestigial] drops from all content while on the quest, and Inv misc questionmark [Fleeting Glowspores] drops from Zaralek Cavern treasures and Sniffenseeking digs.

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