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HordeInstruments of Destruction
Start Atikka "Ace" Moonchaser
End Atikka "Ace" Moonchaser
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Leatherworking
Experience 17,850
Rewards Mallet of Thunderous Skins (spell)
23g 40s
Previous H Leatherworking [50] Make Some Noise
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Leatherworking [50] Instruments of Destruction.


Place the Drums of Primal Might throughout Zandalar and Kul Tiras.


Our work is almost finished.

These drums, while powerful, are practically useless here in port.

If you want to get the most benefit from them, you'll need to spread them out. I'd suggest one for each territory here and in Kul Tiras, to help you when you are on a quest and to keep you at your strongest when you're behind enemy lines.

Look for someplace centralized in each territory to place drums.

Once you return, I'll show you how to make the mallet needed to utilize the drums.


You will learn the following: Mallet of Thunderous Skins

You will also receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Remember to either hide the drums or leave them well guarded.

We don't want these to be destroyed or fall into the wrong hands.


I'm glad to see you back in one piece.

In hindsight, I suppose I could have shown you how to make the mallet before you left, but everything seems to have worked out well.

Now then, let me show you how to make the Mallet of Thunderous Skins...


The coordinates for where the drums need placing are as follows:


  1. H Leatherworking [50] The Tauren Tanner
  2. H Leatherworking [50] The Audition
  3. Complete all of the following:
  4. H Leatherworking [50] Make Some Noise
  5. H Leatherworking [50] Instruments of Destruction

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