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HordeInsurance Policy
Start Trade Prince Gallywix
End Trade Prince Gallywix
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [60] Test Case #1; Mech vs. Mekkatorque
Next H [60] Insurance Renewal, H [60] Killing on the Side & H [60] Mekkatorque's Battle Plans


Activate the roadside assistance button on the G.M.O.D.

  • Call for roadside assistance
  • Try calling roadside assistance again
  • Keep pushing buttons until something happens


Mekkatorque called us idiots, can you believe that? Well, if I'm an idiot, then why did I buy an insurance policy on my mech, huh?

I bet that radioactive dimwit doesn't have an insurance policy on HIS mech!

We're gonna be outta here in no time. I just gotta give a quick call for roadside assistance to come out and fix this thing up.

I need you to go hit the button for roadside assistance on my mech.

Just, uh, don't hit the wrong one.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,800 XP


You gonna call these guys up or what?


Maybe I shoulda bought an insurance policy for my insurance policy.

Wait, what am I talkin' about? YOU'RE the insurance policy for the insurance policy!


First interaction with the G.M.O.D
An image of Jastor appears.
Trade Prince Gallywix Hologram says: Remember Jastor, you're good enough, you're smart enough, and people HAVE to like you!
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Uh, hey that's weird, who the heck put that in my mech?! I'm gonna get to the bottom of this... just never mention this to anyone. Ever.
Second interaction
A small explosion happens.
Third interaction
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Here comes the roadside assistance. See, that's what I'm talkin' about, fast service with a smile!
Grugg says: Roadside help here now, boss. Where move mech to?
Trade Prince Gallywix says: Where's the rest of you? I need this thing fixed, not moved!
Grugg says: Oh, yeah, got nabbed by Alliance near here. Want me to move mech?
Trade Prince Gallywix says: No, I do NOT want you to move my freakin' mech! <Name>, it's time for you to get vengeance for me.


  1. H [60] A Mech for a Goblin
  2. H [60] It Belongs in My Mech! & H [60] Avoiding Lawsuits 101
  3. H [60] The Right Mech for the Job
  4. H [60] Necessary Precautions
  5. H [60] Test Case #1; Mech vs. Mekkatorque
  6. H [60] Insurance Policy
  7. H [60] Insurance Renewal, H [60] Killing on the Side & H [60] Mekkatorque's Battle Plans
  8. H [60] Mech versus Airship
  9. H [60] A Goblin's Definition of Success

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