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For the character from an alternate universe, see Arbiter Khan.
AllianceInterrogator Khan
Image of Interrogator Khan
Title <Hand of Argus>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Exodar, Hand of Argus
Location Nagrand
Status Alive

Interrogator Khan appears to be the draenei in charge of discovering what interests the blood elves have in Oshu'gun crystal powder. As he only appears as a hologram, his real location is unknown.


Interrogation scene
Interrogator Khan says: What are you doing in Nagrand, filth? Answer me!
Interrogator Khan says: What are you after, Bloodknight? Speak or the brutes will punish you.
Captured Halaani Blood Knight raises an eyebrow at Khan.
Interrogator Khan kneels down as if to get closer to the Bloodknight.
Interrogator Khan says: Surprised? You thought what? That Draenei do not beat their prisoners?
Interrogator Khan says: You are correct. We do not beat our prisoners. Broken, on the other hand, have no issues with violence. You see, they are brutes after all...
Interrogator Khan says: Beat this filth until it speaks...
Telaari Watcher nods.
Telaari Watcher nods.


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