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Night FaeInto the Flame
Start Ulfar [45.2, 45.8]VZ-DrustvarBlip
End Ulfar [45.2, 45.8]VZ-DrustvarBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 11,800
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Ulfar's Guidance
Next N [60] Kivarr the Thornspeaker


Imbue the Drust Fetish with the power of Gorak Tul.


I know the curse of which you speak. Dark magic that possesses the mind of the afflicted.

Long ago, the Drust were ruled by a sorcerer king named Gorak Tul. It was he who twisted our rituals and us upon the path of death and domination.

You will need to claim a portion of his power to break the curse.

Take this fetish to Gol Inath and temper it in the Flame of Oblivion. But beware... it is a vile place, and danger lurks among its shadows.


You will receive:


Gorak Tul's magic empowers the curse, and only his magic can break it.


I can sense Gorak Tul's dark power seething within this fetish. Handle it with caution, <class>.


On accept:

Ulfar says: Place the fetish inside the cauldron in Gol Inath, but beware...
Ulfar says: Gorak Tul may be dead, but his dark presence still lingers within those walls.

Head southwest (fly!) to the Crimson Forest and enter Gol Inath, killing a path downstairs to the Flame of Oblivion. Interact with it:

Gorak Zhar says: Pitiful mortal. That witless thornspeaker led you right into my grasp.
Gorak Zhar says: Gol Inath will be your grave!

The Drust Behemoth spawns. Take it out, then loot the Inv enchanting 815 drustrod [Imbued Drust Fetish] from the flame.


  1. N [60] The Fate of Ara'lon
  2. N [60] Masks of Deception
  3. N [60] Blackthorn Captives
  4. N [60] Report to Lord Herne
  5. N [60] Ulfar's Guidance
  6. N [60] Into the Flame
  7. N [60] Kivarr the Thornspeaker
  8. N [60] Kivarr's Den
  9. N [60] Searching the Grove
  10. N [60] The Thornspeaker Captive
  11. N [60] A Swift Intervention
  12. N [60] Return to the Den
  13. N [60] Nox Root
  14. N [60] Witch's Satchel and N [60] The Broken Spear
  15. N [60] Ritual of Purification
  16. N [60] Unbroken Bonds

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Possession? Dark magic indeed. To sever it will require a fetish imbued with the power of a Drust Lord.

Long ago, the Drust were ruled by a sorcerer king named Gorak Tul. It was he who perverted our ancient druidic rituals and set my people upon the path of death and domination.

You will need his power to break the bonds of possession.

Travel to Gol Inath and place this fetish into the Flame of Oblivion to temper it. But be on your guard...

Gol Inath is a dark and dangerous place.

Patch changes[]

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