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NeutralInto the Light
Start Theotar [32.0, 47.6]VZ-RevendrethBlip
End Breakfist [30.4, 45.6]VZ-RevendrethBlip
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 970
Rewards 2g 55s 5c
Previous N [58-60] An Uneventful Stroll
Next N [58-60] Securing Sinfall


Take the elevator up to Sinfall and investigate the area.


I am afraid that you must endure the next stretch of the stroll without me, <name>.

While my compatriots and I have secured access to the elevator that shall carry us up to Sinfall, we are unable to utilize it.

The Master has redirected a massive beam of Light directly onto the elevator's landing.

Venthyr that get close are obliterated.

Dredgers sent up never return.

We need someone who can walk in the Light to discover what is happening up there.

Lady Sybille will show you the way.


You will receive:

  • 2g 55s 5c
  • 970 XP


<Breakfist is badly injured.>

Too many... couldn't make it...


On accept:

Lost Sybille says: Landfall, Sinfall.
Lost Sybille says: Big schism, big prism!

Before taking off, two wanted posters offer optional side quests: N [60] WANTED: Enforcer Kristof and N [58-60] WANTED: Summoner Marcelis.

Follow Sybille to the elevator, then take it upstairs. A prism is aiming a beam of Light at the edge of the landing. Avoid it and locate Breakfist on the other side.


  1. N [58-60] Where is Prince Renathal?
  2. N [58-60] Sign Your Own Death Warrant
  3. N [58-60] Chasing Madness
  4. N [58-60] My Terrible Morning, N [58-60] Theotar's Mission, and N [58-60] Unbearable Light
  5. N [58-60] Lost in the Desiccation
  6. N [58-60] Tubbins's Tea
  7. N [58-60] An Uneventful Stroll
  8. N [58-60] Into the Light
  9. N [58-60] Securing Sinfall

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