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NeutralInvasion of the Soul Eaters
Start Hastily Written Note [49.2, 88.1]VZ-TaladorBlip
End Automatic
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 16350
Reputation +250 Council of Exarchs
Rewards 13g 80s
Previous B [20-40] Scheduled Pickup


Use torches from a forge to burn 4 body piles in Telmor.


<The note is scrawled hurriedly across the parchment.>

Telmor is lost. The Shadow Council is dragging our fallen into piles and feeding the souls to their leader. There is blood on my hands...

Please, if anyone reads this message, burn the bodies of our fallen so our enemy cannot use them.

- Restalaan, Captain of the Guard


You will receive:


Restalaan would be happy to know that someone fulfilled his wishes.


The souls of the citizens of Telmor will no longer be used to empower the Shadow Council leader.


In Telmor for N [20-40] Restalaan, Captain of the Guard, N [20-40] Never Forget, and N [20-40] Payback, find the Hastily Written Note just south of the Trade archaeology draenei tome [Telmor Registry] on the northern path. It offers this quest

On the north side of the path is the Trade archaeology draenei tome [Telmor Registry]. Pick up an Auchenai Torch from the forge to the right of the Telmor Registry, then head southeast to find the first body pile. The second body pile is opposite the central water fixture, and the third and fourth are in the courtyard to the south. After burning the fourth, Invasion of the Soul Eaters completes automatically.

Inside a building on the southeast side of the mid-level courtyard, find the Inv relics libramoftruth [Auchenai Prayerbook], and the Inv misc qirajicrystal 03 [Leafshadow] Crystal is found in the building on northwest side of the same courtyard.

Head southwest to the upper courtyard and enter the westernmost building to find Restalaan just inside. Turn in and pick up N [20-40] The Final Piece.


  1. A [20-40] Speaker for the Dead / H [20-40] The Lady of Light
  2. Complete all of:
    1. B [20-40] Powering the Defenses
    2. N [20-40] We Must Construct Additional Pylons & N [20-40] Nightmare in the Tomb
  3. A [20-40] Light's Rest / H [20-40] Sunsworn Camp
  4. Complete all of:
  5. B [20-40] Scheduled Pickup
  6. N [20-40] Restalaan, Captain of the Guard
    • Side quests: N [20-40] Never Forget, N [20-40] Payback, N [20-40] Invasion of the Soul Eaters (all optional)
  7. N [20-40] The Final Piece
  8. N [20-40] Changing the Tide
  9. N [20-40] Desperate Measures
  10. N [20-40] Into the Heart of Madness
  11. B [20-40] Destination: Unknown
  12. N [20-40] Together We Are Strong
  13. B [20-40] Come Together

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