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Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent
Ability monk dragonkick
  • Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent
  • Row 6 Mistweaver monk talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 5% of base mana
  • 3 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • Summons an effigy of Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent for 25 sec. Yu'lon will heal injured allies with Soothing Breath, healing the target and up to 2 allies for (105% of Spell power) over 4.5 sec.

    Enveloping Mist costs 50% less mana while Yu'lon is active.
Class Monk
School Physical
Cooldown 3 min
Talent required Monk stance wiseserpent [Uplifted Spirits] or Spell shaman tidalwaves [Font of Life] or Ability monk forcesphere [Zen Pulse]
Improvements Ability monk jadeserpentbreath [Celestial Harmony], Inv pet jadeserpentpet [Gift of the Celestials], Inv inscription 80 warscroll battleshout [Invoker's Delight], Inv inscription deck jadeserpent [Jade Bond]
Related buff
Ability monk dragonkick
  • Yu'lon's Blessing
  • Mana cost of Enveloping Mist reduced by 50%.

Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent is a Mistweaver monk ability.

It is an exclusive choice node with Inv pet cranegod [Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane].



  • As a choice node to Inv pet jadeserpentpet [Gift of the Celestials], Inv inscription deck jadeserpent [Jade Bond] provides modest cooldown reduction on Ability monk souldance [Mastery: Gust of Mists] triggers. However when using Yu'lon, there are not typically enough Gusts to reduce the cooldown of Yu'lon. This contrasts to Inv pet cranegod [Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane] which generates Gusts more frequently while it is active.
  • While using Gift of the Celestials does mean there is a shorter duration to ramp up, this should still be enough time to deploy a significant amount of Enveloping Mists before the celestial fades and the Renewing Mists cast at the start of a 25 second Invoke would have quickly faded anyway.

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