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Ironbound Invader
Main leader IconSmall LeperGnome Male Telzo Sparkspanner
Secondary leaders IconSmall Trogg Krugg the Smart
Race(s) Trogg Trogg
Character classes Brute
Theater of operations Borean Tundra; Storm Peaks
Status Active

The Ironbound are an army of troggs belonging to the leper gnome Telzo Sparkspanner, encountered during the Heritage of Gnomeregan questline. Telzo intended to use them to decimate all of gnomanity.[1]

A group of Ironbound led by Krugg the Smart attacked the Fizzcrank Airstrip in the Borean Tundra but were fought off by the Gnomish Elite Aerial Rangers,[2][3] who retrieved a communication device from Krugg revealing that Telzo was the one in control of the troggs.[4] After traveling to the Storm Peaks to confront Sparkspanner, G.E.A.R. encountered more troggs at the Foot Steppes and the Terrace of the Makers.[5][6] Several more Ironbound aided their master during Telzo's final battle against G.E.A.R. in the Halls of Stone, but Sparkspanner and his troggs were nonetheless defeated.[7]


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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Ironbound's name and the fact that Ironbound Brutes can be seen emerging from the sides of the Forge of Wills during A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [50-70] For Gnomeregan! imply that Telzo created them using the forge. This would make them similar to the Forged Iron Troggs from the Sjonnir The Ironshaper boss encounter.

