The following NPCs can be found in the city of Ironforge.
- Alexander Calder <Warlock Trainer>
- [8-30] A Message From Evelyn Thorn
- [20-30] Meet with Evelyn Thorn
- Barrus <Fishing Promoter> (Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza)
- [10-30] Could I get a Fishing Flier? (Repeatable) (Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza)
- Daera Brightspear <Hunter Trainer>
- [8-30] Dalgrun Calls
- [20-30] Meet with Dalgrun Steelpine
- Daryl Riknussun <Cooking Trainer>
- [10-70 Daily] A Fowl Shortage
- [10-70 Daily] A Round for the Guards
- [10-70 Daily] Can't Get Enough Spice Bread
- [10-70 Daily] I Need to Cask a Favor
- [10-70 Daily] Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'
- [15-30] I Know a Guy... (Cooking)
- Farseer Javad <Shaman Trainer>
- [8-30] An Audience with Mulric
- [20-30] Meet with Mulric Boldrock
- Gnoarn
- [5-30] Find Bingles
- Goli Krumn (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Golnir Bouldertoe <Mining Supplier>
- [1-30] Gryth Thurden
- Greatfather Winter (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Grimnur Stonebrand <Fishing Trainer>
- [10-70 Daily] Cold Water Fishing
- [10-70 Daily] Fish fer Squrky
- [10-70 Daily] Live Bait
- [10-70 Daily] One fer the Ages
- [10-70 Daily] The Gnomish Bait-o-Matic
- [45] I Got Nothin' Left! (Fishing)
- Gryth Thurden <Gryphon Master>
- [1-30] Return to Gremlock
- Hero's Call Board
- [5-30] Hero's Call: Westfall!
- [7-30] Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Duskwood!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Northern Stranglethorn Vale!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Southern Barrens!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: The Cape of Stranglethorn!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Western Plaguelands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Eastern Plaguelands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Badlands!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Searing Gorge!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Burning Steppes!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Swamp of Sorrows!
- [15-30] Hero's Call: Blasted Lands!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Outland!
- [10-30] Hero's Call: Northrend!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Vashj'ir!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Deepholm!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands!
- [30-35] Hero's Call: Uldum!
- [35] The Troll Incursion
- [35] Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients
- [35] Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!
- High Explorer Magellas <Explorers' League>
- [50] Portents of Uldum
- High Priest Rohan <Priest Trainer>
- [8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word
- [8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word (Gnomes)
- [8-30] The Temple of the Moon (Night Elves)
- [20-30] Meet with Patrice Lancaster
- Historian Karnik
- [10-70] The Feast of Winter Veil (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Hulfdan Blackbeard <Rogue Trainer>
- [8-30] Make Contact with SI:7
- [20-30] Meet with Veruca Darkstream
- Innkeeper Firebrew <Innkeeper>
- [1-70] Chicken Clucking for a Mint (Hallow's End)
- Junior Inspector (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70] Uncommon Scents (Love is in the Air)
- Kwee Q. Peddlefeet <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Gift for a Lord of Ironforge (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Lunar Festival Emissary (Lunar Festival)
- [1-70] The Lunar Festival (Lunar Festival)
- Lunar Festival Harbinger (Lunar Festival)
- [1-70] Lunar Fireworks (Lunar Festival)
- [1-70] Valadar Starsong (Lunar Festival)
- Melnan Darkstone (Darkmoon Faire)
- [1-70] The Darkmoon Faire (Darkmoon Faire)
- Moira Thaurissan <Dark Iron Representative>
- [1-30] Seize the Ambassador
- Mountaineer Barleybrew
- [5-30] Reinforcements for Loch Modan
- [10] Stout to Kadrell
- Nissa Firestone <First Aid Trainer>
- [15-30] Alliance Trauma (First Aid: Expert)
- Nittlebur Sparkfizzle <Mage Trainer>
- [8-30] Frazzle's Request
- [20-30] Meet with Frazzle Frostfingers
- Public Relations Agent <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- [1-70 Daily] A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne (Love is in the Air Daily)
- [1-70 Daily] Bonbon Blitz (Love is in the Air Daily)
- Roetten Stonehammer <Reclaimers Inc.>
- [10-30] Reclaimers' Business in Desolace
- Senator Barin Redstone
- [10] The Reports
- Springspindle Fizzlegear <Artisan Engineer>
- [47] Gnome Engineering (Engineering)
- Talvash del Kissel
- [10-30] Gnome Improvement
- [41] Lore for a Price
- [1-70] Incoming Gumdrop (Hallow's End)
- Tinkmaster Overspark <Master Gnome Engineer>
- [47] Show Your Work (Engineering)
- Tormus Deepforge
- [5-30] Supplying the Front (Blacksmithing)
- [7-30] Gearing Redridge (Blacksmithing)
- Valgar Highforge <Paladin Trainer>
- [8-30] Ezul'aan Calls
- [20-30] Meet with Ezul'aan
- Wulmort Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Class Trainers[]
- Alexander Calder <Warlock Trainer>
- Keric Smolderblade <Warlock Trainer>
- Briarthorn <Warlock Trainer>
- Darba the Crone <Warlock Trainer>
- Larn Caverndeep <Warlock Trainer>
- Thistleheart <Warlock Trainer>
- Bilban Tosslespanner <Warrior Trainer>
- Kelstrum Stonebreaker <Warrior Trainer>
- Kelv Sternhammer <Warrior Trainer>
- Valgar Highforge <Paladin Trainer>
- Beldruk Doombrow <Paladin Trainer>
- Brandur Ironhammer <Paladin Trainer>
- Daera Brightspear <Hunter Trainer>
- Olmin Burningbeard <Hunter Trainer>
- Regnus Thundergranite <Hunter Trainer>
- Belia Thundergranite <Pet Trainer>
- Regnus Thundergranite <Hunter Trainer>
- Olmin Burningbeard <Hunter Trainer>
- High Priest Rohan <Priest Trainer>
- Theodrus Frostbeard <Priest Trainer>
- Braenna Flintcrag <Priest Trainer>
- Toldren Deepiron <Priest Trainer>
- Braenna Flintcrag <Priest Trainer>
- Hulfdan Blackbeard <Rogue Trainer>
- Ormyr Flinteye <Rogue Trainer>
- Fenthwick <Rogue Trainer>
- Ormyr Flinteye <Rogue Trainer>
- Flarna Flametongue <Mage Trainer>
- Nittlebur Sparkfizzle <Mage Trainer>
- Juli Stormkettle <Mage Trainer>
- Pyromancer Scorchbrew <Mage Trainer>
- Bink <Mage Trainer>
- Dink <Mage Trainer>
- Lainda Gemgold <Mage Trainer>
- Milstaff Stormeye <Portal Trainer>
- Farseer Javad <Shaman Trainer>
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers[]
- Balthus Stoneflayer <Skinning Trainer>
- Daryl Riknussun <Cooking Trainer>
- Doktor Professor Ironpants <Archaeology Trainer>
- Elise Brightletter <Inscription Trainer>
- Fimble Finespindle <Leatherworking Trainer>
- Geofram Bouldertoe <Mining Trainer>
- Gimble Thistlefuzz <Enchanting Trainer>
- Grimnur Stonebrand <Fishing Trainer>
- Grumnus Steelshaper <Armorsmith Trainer>
- Ironus Coldsteel <Weaponsmith Trainer>
- Bengus Deepforge <Blacksmithing Trainer>
- Ironus Coldsteel <Weaponsmith Trainer>
- Jormund Stonebrow <Tailoring Trainer>
- Nissa Firestone <First Aid Trainer>
- Reyna Stonebranch <Herbalism Trainer>
- Springspindle Fizzlegear <Engineering Trainer>
- Tinkmaster Overspark <Gnomish Engineering Trainer>
- Tally Berryfizz <Alchemy Trainer>
- Barim Jurgenstaad <Reagent Vendor>
- Bimble Longberry <Fruit Vendor>
- Bingus <Weapon Merchant>
- Bombus Finespindle <Leatherworking Supplies>
- Brenwyn Wintersteel <Blade Merchant>
- Bretta Goldfury <Gun Merchant>
- Bromiir Ormsen <Heavy Armor Merchant>
- Bruuk Barleybeard <Bartender>
- Bryllia Ironbrand <General Goods Vendor>
- Burbik Gearspanner <Trade Supplier>
- Captain Stonehelm <Ironforge Quartermaster>
- Dolkin Craghelm <Mail Armor Merchant>
- Dolman Steelfury <Weapon Merchant>
- Edris Barleybeard <Barmaid>
- Emrul Riknussun <Cooking Supplier>
- Fillius Fizzlespinner <Trade Supplier>
- Fizzlebang Booms <Fireworks Vendor>
- Gearcutter Cogspinner <Engineering Supplies>
- Ginny Longberry <Reagent Vendor>
- Golnir Bouldertoe <Mining Supplier>
- Grenil Steelfury <Weapon Merchant>
- Gwenna Firebrew <Barmaid>
- Gwina Stonebranch <Herbalism Supplier>
- Harick Boulderdrum <Wands Merchant>
- Hegnar Swiftaxe <Axe Merchant>
- Hjoldir Stoneblade <Blade Merchant>
- Innkeeper Firebrew <Innkeeper>
- Ingrys Stonebrow <Cloth Armor Merchant>
- Katrina Shimmerstar <Hallow's End Treats> (Hallow's End)
- Kelomir Ironhand <Maces & Staves>
- Lissyphus Finespindle <Light Armor Merchant>
- Lovely Merchant <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
- Lunar Festival Vendor (Lunar Festival)
- Lyesa Steelbrow <Guild Tabard Vendor>
- Macey Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
- Maeva Snowbraid <Robe Merchant>
- Master Tinker Trini <Gnomeregan Quartermaster>
- Mangorn Flinthammer <Heavy Armor Merchant>
- Myra Tyrngaarde <Bread Vendor>
- Olthran Craghelm <Heavy Armor Merchant>
- Outfitter Eric <Speciality Tailoring Supplies>
- Pithwick <Bag Vendor>
- Poranna Snowbraid <Tailoring Supplies>
- Raena Flinthammer <Light Armor Merchant>
- Skolmin Goldfury <Bow Merchant>
- Sognar Cliffbeard <Meat Vendor>
- Soolie Berryfizz <Alchemy Supplies>
- Sraaz <Pie Vendor>
- Steeg Haskell <Guild Vendor>
- Tansy Puddlefizz <Fishing Supplier>
- Thalgus Thunderfist <Weapon Merchant>
- Thargen Heavyquill <Inscription Supplies>
- Thurgrum Deepforge <Blacksmithing Supplies>
- Tilli Thistlefuzz <Enchanting Supplies>
- Tynnus Venomsprout <Shady Dealer>
- Wulmort Jinglepocket <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Various Services[]
- Auctioneer Buckler - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Lympkin - (Auctioneer)
- Auctioneer Redmuse - (Auctioneer)
- Bailey Stonemantle <Banker>
- Barnum Stonemantle <Banker>
- Borim Goldhammer <Battlemaster>
- Erdunor Whitespire <Arcane Reforger>
- Garel Redrock - (Murloc Pet Redemption)
- Gryth Thurden <Gryphon Master>
- Innkeeper Firebrew <Innkeeper>
- Ironforge Guard - (Directions)
- Jondor Steelbrow <Guild Master>
- Jubahl Corpseseeker <Demon Trainer>
- Lixa Felflinger <Battlemaster>
- Pella Brassbrush <Barber>
- Ransin Donner - (Murloc Pet, Murloc Costume, and Big Blizzard Bear Redemption)
- Soleil Stonemantle <Banker>
- Ulbrek Firehand <Stable Master>
Other Notable NPCs[]
- Advisor Belgrum
- Ambassador Slaghammer <Dark Iron Ambassador>
- Artilleryman Sheldonore
- Binny Springblade
- Courier Hammerfall
- Curator Thorius
- Deliana
- Dinita Stonemantle <Vault Administrator>
- Durtham Greldon
- Falstad Wildhammer <Wildhammer Clan Representative>
- Farseer Eannu <The Earthen Ring>
- Gerrig Bonegrip
- Grand Mason Marblesten <Royal Stonecutters Union>
- Gretta Finespindle <Apprentice Leatherworker>
- Groum Stonebeard <Apprentice Blacksmith>
- Jemma Quikswitch <Apprentice Engineer>
- John Turner
- Klockmort Spannerspan
- Krom Stoutarm
- Lago Blackwrench
- Laris Geardawdle
- Larkin Thunderbrew <Brew of the Month Club>
- Librarian Mae Paledust <Explorers' League>
- Lieutenant Rotimer <Stormpike Guard Recruitment Officer>
- Lomac Gearstrip
- Lyon Mountainheart
- Master Mechanic Castpipe
- Muiredon Battleforge
- Muradin Bronzebeard <Bronzebeard Representative>
- Muren Stormpike
- Myolor Sunderfury
- Pilot Longbeard <Ironforge Siege Brigade>
- Prospector Stormpike
- Prynne
- Rotgath Stonebeard <Apprentice Blacksmith>
- Royal Historian Archesonus
- Sara Balloo
- Squrky
- Thief Catcher Farmountain
- Thief Catcher Shadowdelve
- Thief Catcher Thunderbrew
- Thonys Pillarstone <Apprentice Enchanter>
- Tisa Martine
- Tiza Battleforge
- Trixie Quikswitch <Apprentice Engineer>
- Tymor
- Uthrar Threx <Apprentice Tailor>
- Vosur Brakthel <Apprentice Alchemist>
- Wildhammer Fact Checker
- Xiggs Fuselighter