Iskaara Traders are tuskarr located throughout Teerakai in the Ohn'ahran Plains. Four are found in the trading area in the south part of town; two of them are inspecting the carpets stacked next to Weaver Opali, another is talking to Weaver Yulutai, and a fourth is inspecting some cups and baskets on a table. Another Trader is inspecting Namuuntsetseg's herbs in the northwest part of town. Two Traders are gathered around the Teerai Chef's campfire in the northeast part of town and express differing opinions on centaur cooking. Finally, a female Trader is found fishing from the river alongside Angler Taimu while keeping an eye on her ottuk, Snowaves.
Blackened fish? I don't understand how that honors the fish or our palette.
The fish is one [sic] the land's greatest gifts. There are several ways the Iskaara prepare it, from a slow overnight stew to render the fat and flavor, to raw cubes seasoned only with a bit of salt. It can also be smoked to preserve it, but we only use clean birch or pine wood.
The fish's natural flavor is of utmost importance and should never be overtaken by other ingredients.
Blackened fish... with pounds of spice! We might as well eat ash!
Sitting by the campfire between the Teerai Chef and the other Iskaara Trader[41.02, 56.47]
<The Iskaara pauses eating as you approach.>
Don't tell either of them because I might get thrown into the water... but I like both the fish soup and the roast fish.
I was afraid it would be too hot for Snowaves, but she seems to like the water. This is her first trip north.
The local ottuk seem very curious about her! I learned today why they are called mudpaw ottuks. When they are young, they are brown all over. As they mature, their fur lightens except for a characteristic wave and their paws!
It is always a joy visiting Teerakai. The centaur and Iskaar share many values and hobbies, such as fishing, the most important of them all in my opinion.