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NeutralIx'lar the Underlord
Start Tarenar Sunstrike
End Fiona
Level 15-30
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 500-5,050
Rewards Inv misc monsterclaw 07 [Underlord's Mandible] or
Inv gauntlets 120 [Rash Gloves] or
Inv belt 90v3 [Belt of Delay] or
Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Pendant of the Ill-Advised]
Previous N [15-30] Argent Call: Northdale
Next N [15-30] Impatience


Kil Ix'lar the Underlord and 10 of his minions.


I know we're supposed to head to Northdale, but that can wait, right? Besides, this lovely little goblin was just telling me about some Scourge that are even closer by.

So apparently there's this nerubian underlord named Ix'lar that has been trying to make a name for himself ever since the Lich King was slain. He's set up a camp of undead to our north.

Sure, Tyrosus wants us to kill banshees in Northdale. We'll get to that. But let's kill this nerubian first, while we're close!


I hope Gidwin doesn't mind waiting.


I couldn't stop him. While you and Tarenar were out, Giddy ran north all alone!

Tarenar, you should have known better! Gidwin gets so impatient sometimes, and you only egg him on. If Giddy gets into any trouble, I'm blaming you for this.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc monsterclaw 07 [Underlord's Mandible] Inv gauntlets 120 [Rash Gloves]
Inv belt 90v3 [Belt of Delay] Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Pendant of the Ill-Advised]

You will also receive: 60s



  1. Retrieve both Gidwin and Tarenar, in either order
  2. N [15-30] Onward, to Light's Hope Chapel
  3. N [15-30] Rough Roads
  4. N [15-30] Traveling Companions
  5. N [15-30] The Trek Continues
  6. N [15-30] Boys Will Be Boys
  7. N [15-30] A Boyhood Dream
  8. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Trial of the Crypt
  9. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Noxious Glade
  10. N [15-30] Argent Call: Northdale
  11. N [15-30] Ix'lar the Underlord
  12. N [15-30] Impatience
  13. N [15-30] Nobody to Blame but Myself
  14. N [15-30] Beat it Out of Them
  15. N [15-30] Blind Fury
  16. N [15-30] Guardians of Stratholme
  17. N [15-30] The Baroness' Missive
  18. N [15-30] Gidwin's Fate Revealed
  19. N [15-30] Journey's End

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