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Start Hansel Heavyhands [50.1, 22.2]VZ-Moira's Bastion-s1Blip
End Yrel [47.7, 93.3]VZ-GorgrondBlip
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14240
Rewards Item level 543 chestpieces
19g 50s
Previous A [15-40] Will of the Genesaur, A [15-40] Down the Goren Hole, A [15-40] Just In Case
Next A [15-40] Power of the Genesaur, A [15-40] Service of Rangari Kaalya
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-40] Iyu.



The genesaur has come.

Defeat Iyu.


Did ya hear that?

Sounds like that genesaur wants its 'will' back. I told ya this place is nuthin' but bad luck.

I'll git that shot ya gave me loaded properly and see if I can't weaken that thing up. You better get up there and deal with it though...

On accept:

Hansel Heavyhands yells: Git to the surface an' keep that genesaur busy. I'll git this cannon firin' soon as I can!


You will receive one of:

Item level 543 chestpieces
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01chest [Foundry-Fired Plate Chestplate] Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01chest [Wildwood Wrangler Vest]
Inv chest leather draenorquest90 b 01 [Overgrowth Cutter Vest] Inv robe cloth draenorquest90 b 01 [Steamburst Robe]

You will also receive: 19g 50s


How goes your search?


That was a challenge.


  • 14240 XP


Head back upstairs. The goren have cleared out, but podlings in the form of Iyun Pustules have invaded. Upstairs, Thaelin and Burrian have made it, but blocked off the western path, so take the east fork.

Thaelin Darkanvil says: Oy! Commander! That genesaur found us. The lasses are outside tryin' to keep it at bay. They are gonna need yer help!

More Aggressive Growth tentacles are in the next room, but these have a bit more health than the first one way back at Naielle's Watch. Dodge the Vine Beast in the next room and get outside, where Yrel and Rangari Kaalya are staring down Iyu. Aggro it and Kaalya and Yrel will help kill the genesaur.

Yrel yells: For the light!
Grow Vine Beast
Yrel yells: We do not fear you!
Rangari Kaalya yells: Watch your flank, sister.
Rangari Kaalya says: Be at peace.


  1. A [15-40] Deeproot / H [15-40] The Razorbloom
  2. Complete all of:
    • Finding the infected:
    1. A [15-40] The Razorbloom / H [15-40] Mossy Fate
    2. B [15-40] The Voice of Iyu
  3. Complete all of:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [15-40] Do the Dew / H [15-40] Secrets of the Botani
  6. B [15-40] The Life Spring
  7. A [15-40] A Heavy Helping Hand / H [15-40] Thieving Dwarves
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B [15-40] Iyu
  10. B [15-40] Power of the Genesaur

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