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HordeJames Felstone
Image of James Felstone
James' tombstone in the Gathering graves.
Title Little
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Desolate Council, Forsaken
Former affiliation(s) King's Guard, Kingdom of Lordaeron
Location Buried in the Arathi Highlands
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Emma & Jem (parents), Jack & Jake (brothers), Janice (aunt), Jeremiah & John (uncles)
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

James "Jem" Felstone was a son of Emma Felstone and Jem. Bearing his father's name, he was the oldest of three brothers. All three were warriors of Lordaeron, acting as royal guards to King Terenas Menethil. They died along with their king and the kingdom during the Third War. They were raised into undeath and became Forsaken in service of Sylvanas Windrunner.[1]

Sometime after Sylvanas's sudden ascension to Warchief of the Horde, Vellcinda Benton took it upon herself to create the Desolate Council to serve as interim organization in order to lead the Undercity in the absence of the Dark Lady, as her Warchief duties brought her out of homeland. James and his brothers were among the 22 Forsaken who had joined the Desolate Council.[2]

During the Gathering, James and his brothers were united with their mother, who tearfully hugged them. After a brief conversation with Parqual Fintallas, James and his brothers joined him in trying to defect to the Alliance.[3] However for this transgression he was killed by Sylvanas' dark rangers as he fled towards Stromgarde Keep[4] He was later buried in the Arathi Highlands alongside his brothers.


His tombstone at the Gathering graves in the Arathi Highlands carries the epitaph:



A Leader and a Kind Heart


  • His full name is not mentioned in Before the Storm. It appears only on his in-game tombstone.
  • As Jeremiah Felstone changed his last to Payson to rid himself of his former countenance[5] it is if unknown James knew his uncle was among the Forsaken.


  1. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 4
  2. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 19
  3. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 33
  4. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 34
  5. ^ H [52] Better Late Than Never

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