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NeutralJessica Sellers
Image of Jessica Sellers
Title <Ink Trader>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 75 / 105
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Scribe's Sacellum, Dalaran[42.3, 37.5]VZ-DalaranBlip
Status Alive

Jessica Sellers is a human ink supplier found in the Magus Commerce Exchange of Dalaran.

Vendor information[]

Inv inscription inkblack03 [Blackfallow Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkpurple03 [Celestial Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkblack02 [Ethereal Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkred03 [Inferno Ink]
10 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription ink dreams [Ink of Dreams]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkpurple01 [Ink of the Sea]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkgreen03 [Jadefire Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkyellow02 [Lion's Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkblack01 [Midnight Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkwhite02 [Moonglow Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inksilver01 [Shimmering Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkbluewhite01 [Snowfall Ink]
10 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription ink starlight [Starlight Ink]
10 Blackfallow Ink
Inv inscription inkcerulean02 [Warbinder's Ink]
1 Blackfallow Ink


  • Greetings! Please have a look around.
  • Welcome!
Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • Now is not the time, I'm afraid.
  • What I wouldn't give to get my hands on some new supplies, <name>.
It may be a while. We're on strict orders not to buy, sell or trade until things settle down.
  • You'll be hard pressed to find a shop that's still open, <name>.
  • My apologies, <name>. We were ordered to hold our supplies until further notice.
  • My apologies, <name>. Supply shipments are on hold for now.
  • I'm sorry. I have nothing to offer at the moment.
  • Sorry, <name>. My stock isn't currently available.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She is very likely somehow related to Vanessa Sellers.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Northrend Deadwind Pass The Broken Isles