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Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Inv misc gem bloodgem 01 [Prospecting]  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Designs  •  Trainers  •  Equipment


As with every other profession, Jewelcrafting has its own set of quests through which most of the recipes are learned.


AllianceIsabel Jones (Stormwind)/ HordeMarith Lazuria (Orgrimmar), the Jewelcrafting trainer in each faction's main city, gives you your daily quests once you reach Jewelcrafting 475.

Quest Objectives
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] A Present for Lila Timeless Nightstones Cut x3
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Timeless Nightstone]
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Elemental Goo Inv misc slime 02 [Elemental Goo] x10
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Nibbler! No! Solid Zephyrites Cut x3
Inv misc cutgemnormal4a [Solid Zephyrite]
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] Ogrezonians in the Mood Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Jagged Jasper] Cut x3
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Jagged Jasper]
B Jewelcrafting [30-35 Daily] The Latest Fashion! Inv misc powder purple [Stardust No. 2] Tested x10

Wrath of the Lich King[]

Shipment quests[]

Timothy Jones, the Jewelcrafting trainer in Dalaran, gives you your daily quests. Every quest involves combining two different uncut gems together with another item, and bringing the resulting item to him. Every quest is rewarded with Inv misc gem variety 01 [Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token]. You must complete the quest N Jewelcrafting [10-30] Finish the Shipment before you can accept any of the daily quests.

Quest Uncut gem Additional item
N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Blood Jade Amulet Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone]

Inv jewelry necklace 07 [Vrykul Amulet]

N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Bright Armor Relic

Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine]

Inv misc armorkit 05 [Elemental Armor Scrap]

N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Glowing Ivory Figurine

Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal]

Shoveltusk Ivory

N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Intricate Bone Figurine

Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]

Inv misc bone 10 [Proto Dragon Bone]

N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio

Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal]

Inv misc ahnqirajtrinket 01 [Scourge Curio]

N Jewelcrafting [10-30 Daily] Shipment: Wicked Sun Brooch

Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]

Inv jewelry talisman 02 [Iron Dwarf Brooch]

Gem perfection[]

The jewelcrafting trainers in each starting area gives you a quest to collect 2 [Huge Citrine], 2 [Dark Jade] and 2 [Shadow Crystal]. They will reward you with the ability Inv misc gem variety 01 [Gem Perfection] and a [Small Velvet Bag].
