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Inv misc questionmark
  • Jeweled Onyx Whelpling
  • Binds when picked up
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon and dismiss this companion.
  • Sell Price: 30g
File:Jeweled Onyx Whelpling.jpg

Jeweled Onyx Whelpling.

Jeweled Onyx Whelpling is a black whelp companion created with Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting (50); taught by Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Design: Jeweled Onyx Whelpling].

Pet Journal[]

The master jewelcrafters of the Dragon Isles have perfected their craft so much that their gemmed statues can be brought to life. This whelp forged of obsidian is now not to be trifled with.


dragonkin Dragonkin: Deals 50% additional damage on the next round after bringing a target's health below 50%.
Battlebar-abilitybadge-strong +50% damage from Humanoid Battlebar-abilitybadge-weak -33% damage from Flying
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
Peticon-dragon Spell fire selfdestruct [Deep Breath] Peticon-dragon Inv artifact dragonscales [Dragon's Call] Peticon-flying Ability druid flightform [Lift-Off]
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Peticon-dragon Spell fire fireball [Flame Breath] Peticon-beast Item cutmetagem [Crystal Prison] Onyx Wall
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Item Battle pet