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Inv catslimemount
Jigglesworth Sr

Jigglesworth, Sr.

Jigglesworth, Sr. is a slime cat saber mount earned by completing Achievement mythicdungeons shadowlands [Fates of the Shadowlands Raids] during Shadowlands Season 4. The achievement requires completing all three of different Fated Raids, which cycle weekly.

Mount Journal[]

It's unclear how the saddle stays atop this formerly feline friend, but somehow the House of Plagues made it work. Science.


Jigglesworth Sr Preview

The preview image from the announcement.

  • This mount is based on the Gooey Slimesaber, one of the losing mount concepts from the Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount poll conducted in September 2020. The Slimesaber was presented with the following description in the poll: "From the slime pools of Plaguefall emerged all manner of jellied creature, including this sticky kitty. A slimy saber cat that's dripping with ooze, it's the kind of mount that you're going to want to wear gloves for."[1]
  • Jigglesworth, Sr. shares a name with Mr. Jigglesworth, a regular-sized slime cat.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Item Spell