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Image of Jorgensen
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 7-30 Elite
Class Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bravo Company, Stormwind Army, Knights of the Silver Hand, Stormwind
Location Redridge Mountains
Status Deceased

Jorgensen is a human paladin quest giver and member of John J. Keeshan's Bravo Company. He plays an important role in the storyline.

He perished along with his other squadmates except for John J. Keeshan and the player character during the encounter with Darkblaze.


  • Spell holy mindsooth Concentration Aura — Allies within 40 yards lose 100% less casting or channeling time when damaged.
  • Spell holy excorcism 02 Exorcism — Inflicts Holy damage to an enemy.
  • Spell holy holybolt Holy Light — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.
  • Spell holy searinglight Holy Shock — Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing Holy damage to an enemy.
  • Ability thunderbolt Seal of Righteousness — Fills the caster with holy spirit for 10 min, granting each single-target melee attack additional Holy damage.



  • Payback's gonna hurt.
  • You orcs are gonna be sorry when I get out of here.
  • You know, I kept hearing the Blackrock orcs talk about the return of Hellscream to the Horde. What's that all about? Isn't Hellscream dead?
  • You ever seen Keeshan kill an orc? It's a sight to behold, <man/lady>.
  • I'm probably the most important member of this team, being a paladin and all.
  • Payback's gonna hurt.
  • Messner kills bad guys so fast. I wish I could kill as fast as him. WHY can't I shoot fireballs? What does the LIGHT have against fireballs?
  • My heals really don't have the 'OOMPH' that they used to, <name>. You know what I'm saying?
  • One time, Keeshan told me that he could take on five of me at once. Why am I so weak?
  • Being a paladin is rough. The Light behaves so erratically. Some days I wake up and it feels like all of my powers have been weakened.
  • I don't know, maybe the grass really is greener on the other side, you know? Krakauer and Danforth really kick butt as warriors. Maybe I should drop this paladin thing and try out being a warrior.
  • I feel weak. I mean weaker than normal. Like as if the Light is less powerful this week. Probably just something I ate. Orc food gives me the craps.
  • So I heard Thrall left the Horde. That true?
Running back to Lakeshire
  • Can't believe we're putting the old team back together. All thanks to you, <name>.

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