Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat, but the cooldown on Charge is increased by 5 sec. Following a Charge, your next Slam or Mortal Strike has an additional 25% chance to critically hit if used within 10 sec.
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now available to all specializations as a level 15 talent (was a tier 5 Arms talent) and redesigned. You can Charge every 12 sec instead of every 20 sec.
Old: Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat and in all stances, and the cooldown of your Charge is reduced by 2 sec. Following a Charge, your next Slam or Mortal Strike has an additional 25% chance to critically hit if used within 10 sec. However, Charge and Intercept now share a cooldown.
Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): No longer adds 2 seconds to the [Charge] stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 2 seconds.
Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Moved from tier 8 to tier 5. Now adds 2 seconds to the stun instead of increasing the cooldown.
Patch 3.1.3 (2009-06-02): This talent now also increases the cooldown on Charge by 5 seconds.
Patch 3.1.2 (2009-05-19): Critical strike chance bonus reduced to 25%, down from 100%.