Juicycrunch Carrot.
Juicycrunch Carrots are a cooking ingredient. They can be found on any virmen and Zandalari troll on Pandaria as well as grown at Sunsong Ranch from [Juicycrunch Carrot Seeds]. Additionally,
[10-35] Way of the Wok rewards five.
As an ingredient[]
[Bundle of Groceries]
[Banquet of the Pot]
[Braised Turtle]
[Great Banquet of the Pot]
[Sauteed Carrots]
[Spicy Vegetable Chips]
As a quest objective[]
[15-35] Mung-Mung's Vote III: The Great Carrot Caper
[10-35] Way of the Wok
[15-35 Daily] That Dangling Carrot
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Stacks to 1000, up from 200.
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Stacks to 200, up from 100.
Hotfix (2013-10-29): Resolved an issue where harvesting Juicycrunch Carrots and Scallions did not start Work Order: II quests.
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.
External links[]