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Image of Kalisthene
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Hero's Rest, Bastion
Status Active
Kalisthene beta

Kalisthene's model during Shadowlands beta.

Kalisthene is an Ascended kyrian who oversees Hero's Rest in Bastion. She later replaces Polemarch Adrestes as the new Polemarch of Bastion.[1]


Objective of[]


N [60] The New Path gossip

I devoted myself to overseeing and advising aspirants long, long ago. I was not the only one at first... but as the drought persisted, my peers were needed elsewhere until I was the only one left.

My orders were to keep the aspirants training, to bide our time until the drought passed. I was not to tell them that every single soul was sent straight to the Maw, that the Shadowlands had broken down. I told them what I could... but I was alone and had to keep myself calm.

For my hard work to be first recognized via my inclusion of the Path of Ascension, and now again as the new Polemarch of Bastion... I recognize no higher honor.

Thank you, Maw Walker. And I am sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

At Elysian Hold

Greetings, <name>. How may I be of service?

Patch changes[]

See also[]


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