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NeutralKelandor Embermark
Image of Kelandor Embermark
Title <Hunting Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 60-62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Vendor
Location Apex Observatory, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Kelandor Embermark is a blood elf vendor located in Apex Observatory in the Waking Shores.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv misc wrench 01 [Arclight Spanner]
9s 96c
Inv hammer 20 [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet steamer [Conveniently Packaged Ingredients]
1g 31s 57c
Trade archaeology vrykul runestick [Draconic Stopper]
5g 26s 31c
Inv 10 alchemy bottle shape1 empty [Draconic Vial]
5g 26s 31c
Inv inscription armorscroll01 [Enchanting Vellum]
10s 52c
Inv misc bag 07 blue [Explorer's Pack]
210g 52s 63c
Inv fishingpole 02 [Fishing Pole]
Spell warlock demonicportal purple [Gateway Control Shard]
157g 89s 47c
Inv inscription parchmentvar06 [Glittering Parchment]
1g 5s 26c
Inv misc screwdriver 02 [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor]
1g 47s 36c
Inv misc shovel 01 [Herbalist's Spade]
1s 66c
Shaman pvp ripplingwaters [Iridescent Water]
1g 5s 26c
Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Toolset]
8s 42c
Inv pick 02 [Mining Pick]
1s 29c
Inv misc primitive ring29 [Misshapen Filigree]
2g 10s 52c
Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Ohn'ahran Potato]
10s 52c
Inv misc food cooked springrolls [Pastry Packets]
52s 63c
Inv herbalism 70 starlightrosedust [Primal Flux]
15g 78s 94c
Inv staff goldfeathered 01 [Runed Copper Rod]
1g 5s 26c
Inv weapon shortblade 01 [Skinning Knife]
1s 30c
Inv holiday tow spicebowl [Thaldraszian Cocoa Powder]
3g 15s 78c
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Three-Cheese Blend]
31s 57c
Inv misc dust 02 [Vanishing Powder]
42s 10c
Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Virtuoso Inking Set]
7s 89c

Patch changes[]

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