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NeutralKelsey Yance
Image of Kelsey Yance
Title <Cook>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Booty Bay
Location Old Port Authority, Cape of Stranglethorn[28, 75]VZ-Cape of StranglethornBlip
Status Alive

Kelsey Yance is a human cooking vendor located in Booty Bay in the Cape of Stranglethorn where he runs Good Food. He provides a Inv crate 08 [Crate of Grade-E Meat] for the quest N [10-30] A Giant's Feast, which doesn't sound very appealing and is apparently only 'suitable for revenge'.


BankerGossipIconItem Quantity Price
Inv drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water] 5 25c
Inv misc food wheat 01 [Simple Flour] 5 25c
Inv misc food wheat 02 [Mild Spices] 5 10c
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Smoked Sagefish] 1 5s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Sagefish Delight] 1 50s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Giant Clam Scorcho] 1 50s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Rockscale Cod] 1 22s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Mithril Head Trout] 1 22s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Cooked Glossy Mightfish] 1 1g 60s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Filet of Redgill] 1 1g 60s
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Hot Smoked Bass] 1 1g 60s


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Thomas Yance and Micha Yance.

See also[]

External links[]
