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NeutralKill 'em With Sleep Deprivation
Start Evonice Sootsmoker
End Taskmaster Scrange
Level 15-30
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 675
Reputation +1000 Thorium Brotherhood
Rewards 75s
Previous N [15-30] Slavery is Bad, N [15-30] Sweet, Horrible Freedom, N [15-30] Rise, Obsidion
Next N [15-30] Twisted Twilight Ties


Obtain 16 Dark Iron Pillows.


It's a little known fact but dwarves, particularly of the Dark Iron variety, need rest! Lots of rest!

Now I ask you; How can they sleep without pillows? Exactly, <name>, they can't. This is why you must steal their pillows.

Once you've finished your cushion-thievery, talk with Taskmaster Scrange. He's a bit deeper in the cave, working on a covert project with Hansel.


What? Pillows?



I see Evonice is up to her old tricks again. I guess I'll just... um... hang onto these pillows for a while.

The important part is that you're here. We're going to need your help.


You will receive: 75s


Head up either ramp, then head circle toward the center. Dark Blacksmiths and Dark Iron Digmasters are in the area. Pillows line the walls on the beds. After looting a good half-dozen, watch out!

  • Dark Iron Worker yells: Our pillas! Someone has stolen out pillas!
  • Dark Iron Worker yells: We'll not let this act of madness go unpunished!

A cadre of Sleepy Dark Iron Workers will descend on the room. They are weak, and only have 185 health each, but still. After looting 16, head southwest to find Taskmaster Scrange. His gossip text:

I can't believe that we're doing this. I know that Calcinder's presence threatens us all, but really? Doesn't this seem like the domain of the Earthen Ring, or something?
Why's the Thorium Brotherhood gotta come save the day all the time?

During the process of completing this quest, players have triggered Chambermaid Pillaclencher's spawn event. Continue questing like normal. After killing Maltorius/Arkkus and exiting the area to the southeast searching for Oilfist, Pillaclencher will spawn. She is a level 49 elite with 21,000 health, so don't take her alone! After her death, she drops Pillaclencher's Ornate Pillow on the ground, which can be looted in the form of Inv misc armorkit 06 [Chambermaid Pillaclencher's Pillow]. The item starts N [15-30] Look at the Size of It!, a quick reward quest back with Evonice, who is still on the ramp in the Slag Pit. It rewards Inv misc armorkit 18 [Evonice's Landin' Pilla], 75s and +1000 Thorium Brotherhood reputation.


  1. Optional breadcrumbs: one of
  2. Complete all of:
    • Jack Rockleg
    1. N [15-30] A New Master... But Who?
    2. N [15-30] Dig-Boss Dinwhisker
    • Burian Coalpart
    1. N [15-30] The Fewer, the Better
    2. N [15-30] Out of Place / N [15-30] A Lumbering Relic
    • Lunk / Prisanne
    1. N [15-30] Lunk's Task
    2. N [15-30] Lunk No Kill
    3. N [15-30] A Proper Antivenom
  3. N [15-30] Thorium Point: The Seat of the Brotherhood
  4. Complete all of:
  5. N [15-30] In the Hall of the Mountain-Lord
  6. N [15-30] Siege! / N [15-30] Set Them Ablaze! / N [15-30] They Build a Better Bullet
  7. N [15-30] Deceit
  8. N [15-30] Lunk's Adventure: Rendan's Weakness
  9. N [15-30] The Mountain-Lord's Support
  10. N [15-30] Operation: Stir the Cauldron
  11. N [15-30] Slavery is Bad / N [15-30] Sweet, Horrible Freedom / N [15-30] Rise, Obsidion
  12. N [15-30] Kill 'em With Sleep Deprivation
  13. N [15-30] Twisted Twilight Ties
  14. N [15-30] From Whence He Came
  15. N [15-30] Welcome to the Brotherhood

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Now requires 16 pillows, down from 20, and ends at Taskmaster Scrange instead of back at Evonice.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Added.

External links[]
