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Start Mordenai
End Mordenai
Level 25-30
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 12650
Next N [25-30] Seek Out Neltharaku

The start of the Netherwing dragon quest line. The last quest of this line will grant you Neutral faction with the Netherwing Drakes. Mordenai wanders around Netherwing Fields and is often fighting flayers. When he is in combat, the '!' will not be visisble, making it harder to find him. To get the quest sooner, just assist him in combat.

Completing this quest chain will complicate your ability to farm Inv misc monsterscales 10 [Nether Dragonscales] (for Draconic leatherworking), and your ability to complete the quest chain that starts with "N [25-30] A Not-So-Modest Proposal".


Mordenai at Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to feed 8 Mature Netherwing Drakes.


Something has them spooked, <race>.

<Mordenai points to the nether drakes flying overhead.>

They won't even come down to feed. I have seen several fall to the earth, dead from exhaustion before their bodies hit the ground.

We must save them! The Rocknail flayers that are found near the crystals are their natural prey. Kill flayers and take their carcasses. Place a carcass in the field and stand extremely still. As long as you do not make any aggressive motions, they will not attack you.


I cannot save them by myself, <Name>!


You are a kind and compassionate <race>, friend.


  • 12650 XP (7g 59s at level 70)


The Rocknail Flayers drop a carcass object. The Rocknail Rippers drop a "Rocknail Giblet". You can mash 5 giblets into one "carcass" for the purposes of this quest.

Other precautions:

  • Do not have Lightning Shield going.
  • Classes with pets should make sure that their pets will not attack the dragon while it lands.

Completing this quest line will complicate your ability to complete select other quests. See the Ally of the Netherwing quest chain.

Placing a flayer carcass
Mature Netherwing Drake hungrily eats the flayer carcass.
Mature Netherwing Drake says: [Draconic] Belan Shi karkun

If playing as a Dracthyr, the player can see that what they say is "Thank you, mortal."


This is the Ally of the Netherwing quest chain.

This quest chain advances players from hated to neutral with the Netherwing faction.

  1. N [25-30] Kindness
  2. N [25-30] Seek Out Neltharaku
  3. N [25-30] Neltharaku's Tale
  4. N [25-30] Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress
  5. N [25-30] To Netherwing Ledge!
  6. N [25-30] The Force of Neltharaku
  7. N [25-30G] Karynaku
  8. N [25-30G] Zuluhed the Whacked
  9. N [25-30] Ally of the Netherwing

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