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NeutralKite Surveillance
Start Chen Stormstout
End Li Li Stormstout
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] Mogu at the Gates
Next N [50] Cut Off the Heads, N [50] Mogu Massacre and N [50] No Brew Left Behind


Ride Chen's Kite to scout the Mogu armies.


We heard for ourselves that there were mogu attacking, but I had no idea it would be this many!

There must be a way to stop them before they completely overrun the Vale. Quickly, let us fly over and scout out their numbers.

We just so happen to have a kite that can carry three people. Usually it's more, but I had a big lunch.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Oh no, we went down hard. Uncle Chen can't get up! And there are mogu everywhere!

It's okay. It's fine. We'll think of something.


On accept
Li Li Stormstout says: Get on! We can scout the mogu from above.
Chen Stormstout says: Hold on, Li Li. We need to be careful.
Chen sits down to steer the kite while Li Li gets on behind his left side.
Chen's Kite mounted
Li Li Stormstout says: Look at all of them! I've never seen the mogu clans join forces like this!
Chen Stormstout says: They must think it's a good time to strike. The Golden Lotus is busy dealing with N'Zoth.
Passing over Fire Camp Bataar:
Chen Stormstout says: Wait, down there! An abandoned brew caravan!
As the kite continues east toward Eastwind Rest, two of the mogus' cannons fire balls of lightning at the kite.
Li Li Stormstout says: Uncle, look out!
Chen immediately swerves to the north, but the kite's tail is hit and set on fire.
Chen Stormstout says: I cannot steer! Hold on!
Two more balls of lightning strike the kite just before it reaches Mogujia and the screen briefly goes black. The player is parachuted to safety at [60.38, 76.34]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip. Up ahead in the ruins, Li Li is standing beside an injured Chen laying on the ground, and what's left of the kite is a big ball of flames.


  1. N [50] Mogu at the Gates
  2. N [50] Kite Surveillance
  3. Take all the quests offered and do them in this order:
  4. N [50] Our Backs to the Gate
  5. N [50] Liquid Courage
  6. N [50] Return to Mistfall

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