- Knitted Bracers
- Item Level 10
- Binds when equipped
- Cloth
- Wrist
- 14 Armor
- Durability 25 / 25
- Requires Level 5
- Sell Price: 29
Knitted Bracers can be purchased for 1 46
Aeolynn <Clothier> in Ashenvale
Brannol Eaglemoon <Clothier> in Teldrassil
Carla Granger <Cloth Armor Merchant> in Stormwind City
Cylania <Night Elf Armorer> in Teldrassil
Gamili Frosthide <Cloth & Leather Armor Merchant> in Dun Morogh
Gornii <Cloth Armor Merchant> in the Exodar
Kioni <Cloth & Leather Merchant> in Azuremyst Isle
Kurran Steele <Cloth & Leather Armor Merchant> in Elwynn Forest
Morley Eberlein <Clothier> in Elwynn Forest
Sheldon Von Croy <Cloth Armor Merchant> in Tirisfal Glades
Tagain <Cloth Armor Merchant> in Mulgore
Vinasia <Cloth Armor Merchant> in Teldrassil
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.5 (2023-01-24): Now BoE.