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NeutralKor'thik Aggression
Start Defender Azzo [50.2, 12.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
End Defender Azzo [50.2, 12.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
Level 30-35
Category Dread Wastes
Experience 236000
Rewards Item level 437 helms
11g 40s
Previous N [30-35] I Bring Us Great Shame, N [30-35] Daggers of the Great Ones, N [30-35] Bound With Shade


Kor'thik Battlesinger

Kor'thik Battlesinger

Kor'thik Chitinel

Kor'thik Chitinel

Kor'thik Havoc

Kor'thik Havoc

Slay 17 Kor'thik Mantid at Kor'vess.

  • Kor'thik Mantid slain x17


I'm no brewer - just looking at all those heaps of ingredients makes my head spin. Just put the brew in front of me when it's finished, thank you.

No, I'm here to make sure that the brewers don't get cut in half while they're trying to make that perfect brew. It's not an easy job.

The Kor'thik mantid across this basin have been attacking us nightly. If you're already heading over there, why don't you return the favor and attack a few of them?


Item level 437 helms
Inv helmet cloth panda b 01 red [Sunset Satin Hood] Inv helmet leather panda b 01dark [Sunset Hide Helm]
Inv helmet mail panda b 01green [Withered Wood Cap] Inv helmet plate panda b 02purple [Sunset Burnished Headcover]
Inv helmet cloth panda b 01 red [Sunset Silk Cowl] Inv helmet leather panda b 01dark [Sunset Leather Helm]
Inv helmet mail panda b 01green [Wind-Reaver Headguard] Inv helmet plate panda b 02purple [Sunset Heavy Helm]
Inv helmet plate panda b 02purple [Sunset Armored Helm]

You will also receive: 11g 40s


Can't stand those mantid.


You've got the makings of a find brewgarden guard, <race>. Let me know if you ever get tired of the whole "<class>" thing.


  • 236000 XP


Pick up N [30-35] Wood and Shade and N [30-35] Bound With Wood before heading out.

Head southwest. Treant corpses litter the ground between the brewgarden and Kor'vess. Start killing any Kor'thik swarm mantid, including battlesingers, chitinels, and havocs. Don't kill all the mantid before finding the two objects inside the tree for Wood and Shade, however, as the entrances are guarded by more mantid. The Mark of the Empress is inside the east entrance, while the Heartroot is inside the north entrance. Merely getting close to the objects is enough for quest credit.


Optional breadcrumb: N [30-35] A Not So Friendly Request

  1. N [30-35] The Heavens Hum With War & N [30-35] Sacred Recipe
  2. N [30-35] I Bring Us Great Shame & N [30-35] Daggers of the Great Ones & N [30-35] Bound With Shade & N [30-35] Rending Daggers
  3. N [30-35] Wood and Shade & N [30-35] Bound With Wood
    • Optional side quest: N [30-35] Kor'thik Aggression
  4. N [30-35] Sunset Kings
  5. N [30-35] Fiery Wings & N [30-35] Incantations Fae and Primal & N [30-35] The Horror Comes A-Rising & N [30-35] Great Vessel of Salvation
  6. N [30-35] Bind the Glamour
  7. N [30-35] Blood of Ancients & N [30-35] Fires and Fears of Old

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