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HordeKrag'wa the Terrible
Start Krag'wa the Huge
End Krag'wa the Huge
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 22,300
Reputation +250 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards Inv boots plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Stompers]
or Inv boot cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Sandals]
or Inv boots mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Boots]
or Inv boot leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Footwraps]
or Inv glove leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Grips]
or Inv glove plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Battlegloves]
or Inv glove cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Handwraps]
or Inv glove mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Gloves]

Ivn toadloamount [Boon of Krag'wa]
46g 80s
Previous H [20-60] Totemic Restoration
Next H [20-60] Krag'wa's Aid


Use the power of Krag'wa to defeat the blood troll counterattack.


Your previous attack has angered the blood trolls. They now send an army to take everything. They are too late! I am Krag'wa! I will not be eaten, I do the eating!

Meet me at the edge of Razorjaw River. You will bear witness to my power, and I will bear witness to yours.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Stompers] Inv boot cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Sandals]
Inv boots mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Boots] Inv boot leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Footwraps]
Inv glove leather zandalarquest b 01 [Ritual Flayer's Grips] Inv glove plate zandalarquest b 01 [Nazmani Warplate Battlegloves]
Inv glove cloth zandalarquest b 01 [Loa Speaker's Handwraps] Inv glove mail zandalarquest b 01 [Death-Pledged Gloves]

You will also learn: Ivn toadloamount [Boon of Krag'wa]

You will also receive:


Do you now see my power?


The savages flee at the sight of Krag'wa! This pleases me!

But, they will come back in larger numbers soon unless their dark god is stopped. As long as you oppose them, I will grant you my boon.

When the day of reckoning comes, you will have my aid.



  1. H [20-60] To Gloom Hollow
  2. H [20-60] Staying Hidden
  3. H [20-60] Hunt the Hunter & H [20-60] Fallen Idols
  4. H [20-60] The Last Witch Doctor of Krag'wa
  5. H [20-60] A True Loa Feast & H [20-60] A Magical Glow
  6. H [20-60] Totemic Restoration
  7. H [20-60] Krag'wa the Terrible
  8. H [20-60] Krag'wa's Aid

Patch changes[]

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