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Not to be confused with Kronk (Traveler).
Image of Kronk
Gender Male
Race Ogre mage (Humanoid)
Level 20-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ogri'la
Location Ogri'la, Blade's Edge Mountains [28.5, 58.5]VZ-Blade's Edge MountainsBlip
Status Alive

Kronk is an ogre mage found at Ogri'la in Blade's Edge Mountains.



At Neutral:

As a relative newcomer to Ogri'la, you don't have enough exposure to the crystals here to reap their full benefits. Besides, you only have one head.
We, on the other hand, have been here a very long time. So, as you can imagine, we're fairly versed in a great many things.
Of late, we've taken a keen interest in the demons of the forge camps. More specifically, we've devised a way to rid us of them for good.
At least, that's the theory.

At Revered:

You've been making quite a name for yourself around here, <race>. Good for you.
We trust that you won't let that go to your single head, and that you'll still help out by banishing demons?

At Exalted:

We are humbled by your selflessness, <name>. If in the past we've seemed a bit conceited, realize that it is by your example that we were able to change our attitudes.
We thank you, and hope that you'll continue to assist us in our struggle against the forge camps.

Crystal Foci[]

Gossip Kronk, tell me about the charged crystal foci.

The crystal foci? Of course we'll explain it seeing as you only have half the brain power to figure it out.
A depleted crystal focus can be combined with ten apexis shards in a simple process, which creates a charged crystal focus. These charged crystal foci have some healing properties, but more important is their use with a possessed demon.
You see, the charged focus can be used to enable a possessed demon to exhibit special powers. If you have a Inv misc rune 04 [Darkrune], Gahk will speak to you about that.

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