Kuai the Brute is the leader of the Gurthan clan. He and his clan have gathered at the Mogu'shan Palace, alongside clans Harthak and Kargesh to prove their worth to their king.
Shockwave — Kuai the Brute sends a shockwave along the ground in front of him. All targets hit by the shockwave are launched into the air and will take falling damage.
We are the greatest!
These other clans are nothing!
Clan Gurthan will show our King and the rest of you power hungry imposters why we are the rightful ones at his side!
Killing a player
The glory of Gurthan!
We will never surrender our right to rule the destiny of our people!
A well-scripted exchange, but we are not fooled! Your clans are clearly in league with one another! For the glory of our King, our empire, we will put you all down!
Where'd you get that weapon from, your sister?
Your clan is so low that hozen tell "stupid" jokes about them!