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HordeLady Sena
Image of Lady Sena
Title Gazlowe's Assistant,
Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys
Location Various
Status Active
Companion(s) Mr. Pleeb (personal assistant)

Lady Sena is a Forsaken assistant of Monte Gazlowe. She was first encountered in Frostwall.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Later, she appeared in Dazar'alor and the Island Expeditions.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Frostwall 90 - 100 5,680
Dazar'alor 120 55,334
Island Expedition 110 - 120 32,593


  • Activate Extractor
  • Arachnobomb 2.0
  • Cascading Lightning Pulse
  • Collecting
  • Cutting Beam
  • Deploy Extractor
  • Heart of Azeroth
  • Mining
  • Opening
  • Shock Baton


Objective of[]



Stub Please add any available information to this section.

  • BOLD! Is that what this garrison says to you, commander? No! It does not! But then this is why I was hired.
Using these small plots we can build a striking array of structures like... an apothecary! Yes, an apothecary. Or perhaps a smithy or a workshop.
If we use the large plots we could outfit you wíith a barracks for your troops that will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies and sleep into the faces of your soldiers.
The sky is the limit, as is the width and length.
  • BOLD! Is that what this plot says to you, commander? No! It does not! But then this is why I was hired.
Using these medium plots we can build a striking array of structures like... an inn! Yes, an inn. Or perhaps a lumber mill or arena.
The sky is the limit, as is the width and length.
Dazar'alor gossip

I've got our route all plotted out. It's bold, efficient, and everything a plan should be. Now stick to it.

Island Expeditions
  • All according to plan.
  • Didn't plan this out very well, did you?
  • This one's next.
  • I've got our route all plotted out. It's bold, efficient, and everything a plan should be. Now stick to it.
  • This won't... set us back...
  • Zap!

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
