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NeutralLearning From the Dead
Start Silgryn
End Silgryn
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Inv misc coin 17 [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]
19g 40s
Previous B [45] Arming the Rebels
Next N [45] Trial by Demonfire


Recover 5 Books of Tactics from Black Rook Hold in Val'sharah.


I heard you were traveling to Black Rook Hold.

It was once home to the legendary Lord Ravencrest, a brilliant tactician. His knowledge may be exactly what we need to give us an edge against the Duskwatch.

While you are at the Rook, keep your eyes peeled for any books that might have survived the ages that outline the Ravencrest's strategems.


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv misc coin 17 [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]


How goes the search?


Excellent. The knowledge in these books should prove very useful in the days to come.



Pick up all three available quests, then mount the hippogryph to fly directly to the outdoor Black Rook Hold area. They do not involve entering the instance.

The books have different titles, but any 5 count, including duplicates. Some possible titles are:

  • Jungle Warfare: The Troll Problem
  • Spellbreaking, the Art of Shieldbashing
  • Zandalari - The True Enemy
  • Voodoo, Geomancy, and the Magic of Peasants


  1. N [45] Insurrection: Crafting War (optional}
  2. N [45] Feeding the Rebellion
  3. A [45] Tyrande's Command / H [45] Liadrin's Command
    • Side quest: N [45] Noressa
    • Side chain:
    1. N [45] Mouths to Feed
    2. N [45] Oculeth Ex Machina
    3. N [45] Unbeleyvable
    4. N [45] The Art of Flow
    5. N [45] A Dance With Dragons
  4. B [45] Trolling Them & N [45] Something's Not Quite Right...
  5. B [45] Arming the Rebels
  6. N [45] Citizens' Army & N [45] Learning From the Dead & N [45] We Need Weapons
  7. N [45] Trial by Demonfire

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