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Leatherworking Icon WoW Icon update Leatherworking (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Quests  •  Patterns  •  Trainers  •  Equipment

Leatherworking proficiency refers to a character's training in Leatherworking. The table below summarizes what level and skill is required to advance to each proficiency.

Proficiency Level Skill
Apprentice 5 1 - 75
Journeyman 10 50 - 150
Expert 20 125 - 225
Artisan 35 200 - 300
Master 50 300 - 375 Bc icon
Grand Master 65 375 - 450 Wrath-Logo-Small
Illustrious Grand Master 75 425 - 525 Cataclysm

Dragonscale Leatherworking[]

Dragonscale armor is mail armor, with stats most suited to Shamans and Hunters.

The trainers for this specialty are Alliance Peter Galen, Horde Thorkaf Dragoneye and Neutral Andellion in Dalaran. Prior to Patch 4.0.1, in order to gain this specialty you had to complete the quest N Leatherworking [55] Dragonscale Leatherworking for your class trainer, available at level 40 and 225 Leatherworking skill. These items are now available to all leatherworkers.

The following patterns required Dragonscale Leatherworking Specialization and were only available from the specialty trainers:

Pattern Source
[Dragonstrike Leggings] (260) These can only be trained at
the Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer
[Golden Dragonstrike Breastplate] (330)
[Ebon Netherscale Belt] (375)
[Ebon Netherscale Bracers] (375)
[Ebon Netherscale Breastplate] (375)
[Netherstrike Belt] (375)
[Netherstrike Bracers] (375)
[Netherstrike Breastplate] (375)

Elemental Leatherworking[]

Elemental Leather armor is leather armor with Agility, and is most beneficial to rogues and feral druids.

The trainers for this specialty are Alliance Sarah Tanner, Horde Brumn Winterhoof and Neutral Manfred Staller in Dalaran. Prior to Patch 4.0.1, in order to gain this specialty you had to complete the quest B Leatherworking [55] Elemental Leatherworking, available at level 40 and 225 Leatherworking skill. These items are now available to all leatherworkers.

The following patterns require Elemental Leatherworking Specialization and are only taught by the specialty trainer:

Pattern Source
[Blackstorm Leggings] (265) These can only be trained at
the Elemental Leatherworking Trainer
[Primalstorm Breastplate] (330)
[Primalstrike Belt] (375)
[Primalstrike Bracers] (375)
[Primalstrike Vest] (375)

Tribal Leatherworking[]

Tribal Leather armor is leather armor with Spirit and Intellect, and is most beneficial to restoration and balance (casting) druids.

The Tribal Leather specialty trainers are Alliance Caryssia Moonhunter, Horde Se'Jib and Neutral Namha Moonwater in Dalaran. Prior to Patch 4.0.1, in order to gain this specialty you had to complete N Leatherworking [55] Tribal Leatherworking for your faction trainer, which is available at level 40 and 225 Leatherworking skill. These items are now available to all leatherworkers.

The following patterns require Tribal Leatherworking Specialization and are only available from the specialty trainer:

Pattern Source
[Feathered Breastplate] (250) These can only be trained at
the Tribal Leatherworking Trainer
[Wildfeather Leggings] (260)
[Living Crystal Breastplate] (330)
[Windhawk Belt] (375)
[Windhawk Bracers] (375)
[Windhawk Hauberk] (375)