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NeutralLeave Bee Alone
Start Vaeros
End Vaeros
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 7,250
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv misc questionmark [Beetender's Hood]
or Inv misc questionmark [Wasp Repelling Skullcap]
or Inv misc questionmark [Stingerproof Helmet]
or Inv misc questionmark [Reinforced Beekeeper's Helm]
25g 74s
Previous N [60-62] Nursery Direction
Next N [60-62] A Better Start


Use the Smoke Diffuser to calm and gather 8 Bothersome Bees, then release them near the lake.


Oh, thank the Life-Binder! Someone with empty hands!

These gardens are normally a lovely playground for our whelps, but the bees have multiplied uncontrollably. The blooms returned with vigor--and so have the bees. The whelps are terrified, the dragons are annoyed, and just yesterday one was stung and--

<Vaeros takes a deep breath to center himself then looks at you pleadingly.>

Will you please gather up the bees and relocate them to the lake? Take this smoke diffuser; it will calm them down.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc questionmark [Beetender's Hood] Inv misc questionmark [Wasp Repelling Skullcap]
Inv misc questionmark [Stingerproof Helmet] Inv misc questionmark [Reinforced Beekeeper's Helm]

You will also receive:


Try not to be too rough with the bees. They are doing their best. We all are.


Please tell me the relocation went well.

<Vaeros lets out a deep sigh of relief.>

Hopefully the bees will be kept busy pollinating the plants that are far away from our whelps. Thank you, <name>.


Upon accept
Vaeros says: The bees may put up a fight when startled, but you do not need to harm them. The smoke will put them to sleep after a few moments.
Adazius says: And do try to be quiet about it. The whelplings hardly need to be distracted by an adventurer causing a scene.
Vaeros says: They are playing, Adazius, not studying. I am sure they would love to watch <name> cleaning up the garden for them.
Adazius says: Which is precisely my point.
First use of the diffuser
The bee is angered but starts getting drowsy from the smoke!

After using the diffuser on them, wait for a few seconds, then grab them.

After collecting enough, use the Bee Free! extra action button at [56.97, 70.81]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip, spawning Relocated Bees.


  1. N [60-62] A Ruby Lifecalling
  2. Complete all of:

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