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NeutralLeave Me a Loan
Start Au'narim
End Au'narim
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 7,350
Reputation +135 the Undying Army
Rewards 36g 85s 50c
Previous N [53-60] This Thing of Ours
Next N [53-60] Working for the Living


Collect 6 Anima Vials from the arena spectators.


I run a myriad of businesses here. Betting rings, performance enhancers... whatever the customer is willing to purchase.

However, a few of those customers are late with their payments. And a customer who does not pay is a customer without value.

Please ask them to surrender what they owe. I trust you know what to do if they refuse.


You will receive:


Do not try to cheat me out of anything I am owed. I will know.


Yes, you are more valuable than I first surmised.


Talk to Arena Spectators

What do you want?

Gossip Au'narim claims you owe her anima.

Spectators will then either get rowdy or comply.

Arena Spectator says: You'll have to take it from me!
Arena Spectator says: I yield! You can have it!
Hand over willingly
Arena Spectator says: All right! I don't want any trouble!


  1. Optional breadcrumb N [53-60] I Could Be A Contender
  2. Complete both:
    1. N [53-60] Stuff We All Get & N [53-60] Team Spirit
    2. N [53-60] Test Your Mettle
    1. N [53-60] Juicing Up
    2. N [53-60] Side Effects
    3. N [60D] Theater of Pain: Help Wanted (optional)
  3. N [53-60] This Thing of Ours
  4. N [53-60] Leave Me a Loan
  5. N [53-60] Working for the Living
  6. N [53-60] A Sure Bet
  7. N [53-60G5] The Ladder

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

I run a myriad of businesses here, betting rings, performance enhancers... whatever the customer is willing to pay for.

A few of those customers are late on their anima payments and I could use some help with retrieval.

If they don't pay up front, then, well you know what to do.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
