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HordeLee Scolio
Image of Lee Scolio
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Ruins of Lordaeron, Tirisfal Glades
Status Alive
Lee Scolio - wounded


Lee Scolio is a Forsaken located in the Ruins of Lordaeron in Tirisfal Glades. He was wounded by the magic of the Scarlet Crusade when they attacked the home of the Forsaken. He later recuperated with the help of Calia Menethil and was present in the courtyard.


Initial gossip


Gossip What happened to you?

I thought I would be a hero and infiltrate the island, take out a few Scarlet Crusade.
But there were too many of them. I barely made it out.
This isn't fair, I haven't felt pain like this since I was alive.
Gossip What does it feel like?
Like an infestation of electrified spiders. Which has only happened to me once, but I know exactly how it feels.
... Yeah it feels like that. Except the spiders are pink.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.

Good job out there. You really stuck the Scarlet Crusade where it hurt.

In the ego. The heart, too, but mostly the ego.

Gossip Feel any better?

Me? Feeling much better. Lady Calia fixed me up and it only hurt a little. That's how you know she cares.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.

Patch changes[]

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