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For information on how to get into each instance (key, attunement, etc), see Instance attunement.
Instances by level (V)
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This article is a list of Legion instances by level.

Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Eye of Azshara EoA Azsuna 5-player 100 100-110 110 110 Warlord Parjesh, Lady Hatecoil, King Deepbeard, Serpentrix, Wrath of Azshara
Darkheart Thicket DT Val'sharah 5-player 100 100-110 110 110 Archdruid Glaidalis, Oakheart, Dresaron, Shade of Xavius
Neltharion's Lair NL Highmountain 5-player 100 100-110 110 110 Rokmora, Ularogg Cragshaper, Naraxas, Dargrul
Halls of Valor HoV Stormheim 5-player 100 100-110 110 110 Hymdall, Hyrja, Fenryr, God-King Skovald, Odyn
Assault on Violet Hold AVH Dalaran 5-player 105 105-110 110 110 Mindflayer Kaahrj, Millificent Manastorm, Festerface, Shivermaw, Blood-Princess Thal'ena, Anub'esset,Sael'orn, Fel Lord Betrug
Vault of the Wardens VotW Azsuna 5-player 110 110 110 110 Tirathon Saltheril, Inquisitor Tormentorum, Ash'Golm, Glazer, Cordana Felsong
Black Rook Hold BRH Val'sharah 5-player 110 110 110 110 Amalgam of Souls, Illysanna Ravencrest, Smashspite the Hateful, Kur'talos Ravencrest
Maw of Souls MoS Stormheim 5-player 110 110 110 110 Ymiron, the Fallen King, Harbaron, Helya
The Arcway TA Suramar 5-player 110 110 110 110 Ivanyr, Corstilax, General Xakal, Nal'tira, Advisor Vandros
Court of Stars CoS Suramar 5-player 110 110 110 110 Patrol Captain Gerdo, Talixae Flamewreath
Advisor Melandrus
Return to Karazhan RtK
Deadwind Pass 5-player 110 110 110 110 Opera Hall: Wikket, Opera Hall: Westfall Story, Opera Hall: Beautiful Beast, Maiden of Virtue, Moroes, Attumen the Huntsman, The Curator, Nightbane, Shade of Medivh, Mana Devourer, Viz'aduum the Watcher
Cathedral of Eternal Night CoEN Broken Shore 5-player 110 110 110 110 Agronox, Thrashbite the Scornful, Domatrax, Mephistroth
Seat of the Triumvirate SotT Eredath 5-player 110 110 110 110 Zuraal the Ascended, Saprish, Viceroy Nezhar, L'ura


Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Emerald Nightmare EN Val'sharah 10-30-player raid 110 110+ Nythendra, Il'gynoth, Elerethe Renferal, Ursoc, Dragons of Nightmare, Cenarius, Xavius
Trial of Valor ToV Stormheim 10-30-player raid 110 110+ Odyn, Guarm, Helya
The Nighthold NH Suramar 10-30-player raid 110 110++ Skorpyron
Chronomatic Anomaly, Trilliax, Krosus, Star Augur Etraeus, Spellblade Aluriel, High Botanist Tel'arn, Tichondrius, Elisande, Gul'dan
Tomb of Sargeras ToS Broken Shore 10-30-player raid 110 110+++ Goroth
Demonic Inquisition, Harjatan, Mistress Sassz'ine, Sisters of the Moon, The Desolate Host, Maiden of Vigilance, Fallen Avatar, Kil'jaeden
Antorus, the Burning Throne ABT Antoran Wastes 10-30-player raid 110 110++++ Garothi Worldbreaker, Felhounds of Sargeras, Antoran High Command, Portal Keeper Hasabel, Eonar the Life-Binder, Imonar the Soulhunter, Kin'garoth
Varimathras, Coven of Shivarra, Aggramar, Argus the Unmaker

See also[]
