- Legplates of the Lost Protector
- Binds when picked up
- Classes: Shaman, Hunter, Warrior
- Requires Level 30
- Sell Price: 5
Legplates of the Lost Protector is a tier 7 armor token. It can be exchanged in Dalaran for the following items:
[Valorous Dreadnaught Legguards]
[Valorous Dreadnaught Legplates]
[Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards]
[Valorous Earthshatter Kilt]
[Valorous Earthshatter Legguards]
[Valorous Earthshatter War-Kilt]
This item drops from Thaddius and Gluth in the 25-man version of Naxxramas.
This item is also sold by the following vendors for 192 47
Arcanist Adurin <Legacy Justice Quartermaster> in Dalaran
Magister Brasael <Legacy Justice Quartermaster> in Dalaran
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.