- Libram of Resilience
- Unique
- Requires Level 21
- "Dark runes skitter across the surface."
- <Right Click to Read>
With some work you can turn in the Libram of Resilience to Mathredis Firestar to receive a [Lesser Arcanum of Resilience], which will permanently add 20 fire resistance to a leg or head slot item.
Required materials[]
- 1x
[Libram of Resilience]
- 1x
[Black Diamond]
- 4x
[Crystal Spire]
- 1x
[Burning Essence]
- 30 gold
Drops off level 50 and above humanoids around Azeroth.
Libram of Resilience
<The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>
The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.
May our enemies never gain access to these libram.
May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.
May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.
May I kill for the glory of Illidan.