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This article is about the Vindicaar ability. For the Lightforged draenei racial trait, see Ability racial orbitalstrike [Light's Judgment]. For the item, see Spell holy circleofrenewal [Light's Judgment].
Light's Judgment
Inv lightforgedmatrixability lightsjudgment
  • Light's Judgment
  • 60 yd range
  • 2 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • Calls upon the Vindicaar to release a beam of Holy Light to blast your enemies, inflicting 3150000 to 3850000 Holy damage to enemies within 15 yards and stunning them for 5 sec.

    Can only be used on Argus.
Class All
School N/A
Cooldown 2 minutes

Light's Judgment is an ability from the Vindicaar, usable only on Argus after completing the storyline up to a certain point, and can be activated at the Vindicaar Matrix Core.

It instantly calls down a beam of Light energy from the vessel, inflicting massive damage to all enemies for 15 yards and stunning them for 5 seconds.


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