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NeutralLighting Up the Sky
Lighting Up the Sky
Firework launcher
Start Fei [58.0, 59.0]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
End Fei [58.0, 59.0]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
Next N [10-35] The Jade Serpent, N [15-35] They Call Him... Stormstout


Set off 8 fireworks.

  • Fireworks launched x8


Do you like fireworks, <sir/ma'am?>

I love them! In older times we would set them off to frighten away demons, but I just like them because they're pretty!

I think there are still some old launchers lying around the temple.

Would you go set off some big fireworks for me? It would make me so happy!


You will receive: 9g 80s


I love to see fireworks lighting up the sky!


Yay! I saw the fireworks all the way from over here!

Thank you so much, <name>.


  • 110000 XP


Pick up N [10-35] The Scryer's Dilemma, N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary, and N [10-35] The Rider's Bind before heading out. Firework launchers are everywhere. Don't go looking for them, focus on the other quests and click any launchers nearby.


Optional breadcrumb: A [10-35] In Search of Wisdom / H [10-35] Dawn's Blossom

  1. N [10-35] Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  2. N [10-35] The Double Hozen Dare & N [10-35] Down Kitty!
  3. N [10-35] The Jade Witch
  4. N [10-35] All We Can Spare
  5. N [10-35] I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  6. N [10-35] Mann's Man
  7. N [10-35] Trapped!
  8. N [10-35] What's Mined Is Yours
  9. N [10-35] The Serpent's Heart
  10. N [10-35] Love's Labor
  11. N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  12. Complete all of:
    1. N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary
    2. N [10-35] Moth-Ridden & N [10-35] Pages of History
    3. N [10-35] Everything In Its Place
  13. N [10-35] The Jade Serpent

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