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NeutralLiquid Courage
Start Li Li Stormstout
End Chen Stormstout
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 26,800
Rewards 70g 20s
Previous N [50] Our Backs to the Gate
Next N [50] Return to Mistfall


Mount Mobi and defeat the mogu armies with the power of brew.


We have to do something about all these mogu. At least to thin their ranks before they invade the Vale!

As much as Uncle Chen loves his brew, I think we can put it to better use. Let's hop onto that yak and give the mogu something to fear!


You will receive:

  • 70g 20s
  • 26,800 XP


Something must be done about all these mogu, or we will lose the Vale.


All that lovely brew... gone.

But let us look on the bright side. There are fewer mogu to contend with now. It is time for us to report back.


You'll get a vehicle action bar that has:

  1. Ability mount yakmount Head Butt — Butt heads with the Mogu.
  2. Ability warstomp Trample — Charge forward 30 yards, knocking back enemies and damaging them.
  3. Inv cask 04 Smash Brew — Smash brew kegs straight down on top of mogu.
  4. Inv firstaid healingsalve Healing Brew — Heal Mobi.

Using Headbutt while on the run appears to do more damage than standing still. Smash Brew is an AOE.

Smash Brew
  • Chen Stormstout says: And there goes the Goldendraft...
  • Chen Stormstout says: Was that really necessary?
  • Chen Stormstout says: Not the Traveling Lager! What a shame...
  • Chen Stormstout says: If you could just... perhaps save a little of that?
  • Chen Stormstout says: Stormstout brew is not a weapon!

At the end of your run, return to the gate to auto dismount. To Chen's melancholy, all the kegs on Mobi have indeed been used up.


  1. N [50] Mogu at the Gates
  2. N [50] Kite Surveillance
  3. Take all the quests offered and do them in this order:
  4. N [50] Our Backs to the Gate
  5. N [50] Liquid Courage
  6. N [50] Return to Mistfall

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