Aristocracy comes in many forms in World of Warcraft. The following list of aristocrats may be useful for planning assassinations (PvE), marriages (RP), or pointedly ignoring (PvP). This list includes RPG characters and discretion is advised. Characters with multiple titles are only displayed to their highest rank.
- "Emperor" redirects here. For the brew made by Chen Stormstout, see "The Emperor".
Hai'shulud — The Bone Emperor †
Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan — Former Emperor of the Dark Iron dwarves †
Empress Zoe — Former Empress of the Dark Iron dwarves †
Empress Modgud — Former Empress of the Dark Iron dwarves †
Emperor Dagran Thaurissan — Former Emperor of the Dark Iron dwarves †
Empress Moira Thaurissan — Empress-Regent of the Dark Iron clan and (legally) Queen of Ironforge.
Emperor Rikktik — Hozen Emperor †
Emperor Rassharom — Ancient Emperor of Pandaria †
Imperator Gorgog the Gronnslayer — Founder of the Gorian Empire †
Imperator Mar'gok — Last sorcerer king of the Gorian Empire †
Imperator Mar'gok — Sorcerer king of the Gorian Empire †
Imperator Molok — Sorcerer king of the Gorian Empire †
Grand Empress Shek'zeer — Empress of the mantid †
Grand Empress Zek'hara — Former Empress of the mantid †
Emperor Dojan Firecrown — Emperor of the mogu empire †
Emperor Dojan II — Emperor of the mogu empire †
Emperor Kang — Emperor of the mogu empire †
Emperor Lao-Fe — Emperor of the mogu empire †
Emperor Lei Shen — First Emperor of the mogu empire †
Emperor Wai — Emperor of the mogu empire †
Queen Azshara — Empress of Nazjatar and queen of the naga
Raj Naz'jan — Deceased Emperor of the Riplash Strand †
Emperor Ku — Emperor of the Pandaren Empire †
Emperor Shu Blindeye — Emperor of the Pandaren Empire †
Emperor Shaohao — Last Emperor of the Pandaren Empire †
Emperor Korthek — Emperor of the Faithless †
Emperor Vek'lor — Co-ruler of the Qiraji †
Emperor Vek'nilash — Co-ruler of the Qiraji †
Emperor Ninjter — Deceased Emperor of Ramkahen †
Emperor Var'gazul — Last Emperor of the Gurubashi Empire †
Talon King Ikiss — Self-proclaimed Terokk reborn, king of Skettis †
Talon King Ikiss — Leader of the Sethekk †
Terokk — King of Skettis †
Terokk — King of the Outcasts and Founder of Skettis
Ainamiss the Hive Queen — A silithid colossus found in Tanaris †
King Bangalash — A tiger found in Stranglethorn Vale †
King Dred — A devilsaur found in Drak'Tharon Keep †
King Krush — A devilsaur found in Sholazar Basin †
King Leo — A lion found in Darkmoon Island
King Mosh — A devilsaur found in Un'Goro Crater †
King Mukla — A gorilla found in Stranglethorn Vale †
King Ping — A penguin found in Howling Fjord †
King Reaperclaw — A raptor found in Northern Barrens †
Queen Savannah — A lion found in Darkmoon Island
Queen Silith — A spider found in Stonetalon Mountains †
Shadra — The Venom Queen, a spider loa summoned in the Hinterlands
Tusker — Queen of the Elekk, an elekk found in Nagrand †
Mannoroth — Demon King of the Pit Lords
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder — Queen of all dragons
Sindragosa — Azure Queen of the Blue dragonflight and Former queen of the Frostbrood †
High King Modimus Anvilmar — Last High King of all dwarves †
King Magni Bronzebeard — Former king of the kingdom of Khaz Modan, now speaker of Azeroth
Muradin Bronzebeard — Former king of the Frostborn
Behemothon, King of the Colossi
Erathius, King of Dirt †
Goliathon, King of the Colossi †
King Moltron †
Winter Queen — Queen of the Night Fae, leader of the Court of Night, ruler of Ardenweald
Nexus-King Salhadaar — Once the ruler of all ethereals, now he is the leader of the Ethereum †
King Murgut — King of the Foulweald tribe †
King Arngrim the Insatiable — Former King of the frost giants †
King Jokkum — Lord of the frost giants and the leader of the Sons of Hodir
Gymer — King of storm giants
King Gurboggle — Self-proclaimed king of the gilgoblins †
Edana Hatetalon — Queen of the Northspring Harpies †
High elf[]
High King Anasterian Sunstrider — Last High King of Quel'thalas †
High King Dath'Remar Sunstrider — First High King of Quel'thalas †
The Monkey King — King of the hozen and long-time companion of Emperor Shaohao
High King Varian Wrynn — Former King of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance †
King Aiden Perenolde — Former king of Alterac †
High King Anduin Wrynn — King of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance.
King Archibald Greymane — Former king of Gilneas †
King Barathen "Adamant" Wrynn — King of Stormwind during the Gnoll War †
King Genn Greymane — King of Gilneas
King Landan Wrynn — King of Stormwind prior to the opening of the Dark Portal †
King Liam Trollbane — Former King of Stromgarde †
King Llane Wrynn I — King of Stormwind during the First War †
King Terenas Menethil II — Last true King of Lordaeron †
Queen Mia Greymane — Queen of Gilneas
Queen Lianne Menethil — Last Queen of Lordaeron †
Queen Tiffin Wrynn — Last Queen of Stormwind †
Queen Varia Wrynn — Former Queen of Stormwind †
King Meng Sharpfang — King of the mogu empire †
King Qiang Steelskin — King of the mogu empire †
King Sebotai Swiftfoot — King of the mogu empire †
King Xin the Weaponmaster — King of the Mogu Clans †
King Zian of the Endless Shadow — King of the mogu empire †
Queen Monara — Last Queen of the Mogu †
Queen Azshara — Empress of Nazjatar and queen of the naga
Anub'arak — Leader of the Scourge nerubians and former king of Azjol-Nerub †
Queen Nezar'Azret — Former Queen of the Nerubians †
Underking Talonox — Circling the statue in the Pit of Fiends †
Under-King Anub'et'kan — Leader of the Scourge in Icemist Village †
Nigh elf[]
Tyrande Whisperwind — leader of the Night elfs and and High-Priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune
Queen Azshara — Former queen of Kaldorei Empire and former queen of the night elfs
King Mrgl-Mrgl — A night elf agent of D.E.H.T.A. who rules the Winterfin murlocs
High King Maulgar — Lord of the ogres, rules from Gruul's Lair †
King Dorfbruiser †
King Gordok — An ogre boss in Dire Maul North, his title is transient †
King Phaoris — Leader of the Ramkahen tribe of tol'vir.
Queen Talanji — Ruler of the Zandalari Empire
God King Rastakhan — Former ruler of the Zandalari Empire †
Frost King Malakk †
Pirate-King Zem'lan
Blood-Queen Lana'thel — Leader of the San'layn †
King Thoras Trollbane — Former King of Stromgarde, member of the Four Horsemen
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner <Banshee Queen> — Former leader of the Forsaken and former warchief of the Horde
Lich King Arthas Menethil — Former King of Lordaeron and former Lich King †
Lich King Bolvar Fordragon — Former Lich King, former Highlord of the Alliance
God-King Skovald — King of the vrykul on the Broken Isles †
God-Queen Sigryn — Queen of the vrykul on the Broken Isles
King Bjorn — A great vrykul king
King Haldor — A great vrykul king
King Ranulf — A great vrykul king
King Tor — A great vrykul king
King Ymiron — King of the vrykul in Northrend
Queen Angerboda — Queen of the vrykul in Northrend †
Gorak Tul — King of the Drust in Drustvar and Thros, the Blighted Lands.
In RPG[]
- "Princess" redirects here. For other uses, see Princess (disambiguation).
Aku'mai — Princess of the deep †
Blood elf[]
Crown Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider — Crown Prince of the blood elves, Lord of the Blood Elves and Sun King †
Demon Prince Nez'ra †
Prince Kellen †
Prince Malchezaar — Prince of the eredar and former Master of Karazhan
Prince Raze †
Prince Xavalis †
Tyrygosa — Princess of the Blue dragonflight[1]
Wrathion — The Black Prince, claims to be the last uncorrupted black dragon on Azeroth
Az'Barin, Prince of the Gust †
Prince Sarsarun — Herald of Al'Akir †
Prince Skaldrenox †
Princess Myzrael — An elemental in the Arathi Highlands spawned by the quest
[50G2] Summoning the Princess
Princess Tempestria — A water elemental in Winterspring †
Crown Princess Theradras — Daughter of Therazane †
Nexus-Prince Haramad — Leader of the Consortium
Nexus-Prince Razaan †
Nexus-Prince Shaffar †
Faceless one[]
Commander Ulthok — The Festering Prince †
Trade Prince Gazlowe — Leader of the Bilgewater Cartel
Trade Prince Donais
Trade Prince Gallywix — Former leader of the Bilgewater Cartel
Trade Prince Maldy — Owner of the Bilgewater Cartel before Jastor Gallywix †
Trade Prince Steamwheedle
High elf[]
Prince Nallorath — High elf prince 2,600 years before the First War †[2]
Prince Tortheldrin — Ruler of the Shen'dralar †
Prince Farondis — Ghostly ruler of the Court of Farondis
Prince Anduin Wrynn — Former Prince of Stormwind and Alliance.
Prince Liam Greymane — Son of King Genn Greymane and prince of Gilneas †
Princess Calia Menethil — Sister of Arthas Menethil and princess of Lordaeron
Princess Tess Greymane — Daughter of King Genn Greymane and princess of Gilneas
Prince Nazjak — Possible leader of Daggerspine †
Night elf[]
Princess Aszune †
Prince Toreth — Member of Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran †
Ael'Yith <Nightborne Prince> †
Princess Huhuran — A boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj †
Princess Yauj — A boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj †
Princess Calia Menethil — Sister of Arthas Menethil and princess of Lordaeron
Galen Trollbane — Fallen Prince of Stromgarde †
Prince Atherann
Prince Keleseth — Overlord of Howling Fjord †
Prince Tenris Mirkblood †
Prince Navarius †
Prince Sandoval †
Prince Taldaram — Overlord of Ahn'kahet †
Prince Theraldis
Prince Valanar — Overlord of Borean Tundra †
Princess Poobah — A tauren in Stranglethorn Vale
Prince Nadun — Brother of King Phaoris of Ramkahen
Princess Talanji — Former Princess of the Zandalari Empire
In RPG[]
In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, it is a rank you can achieve.
Pandemonius <Duke of Chaos>
Xavathras - Vile Duke of the Jadefire
Duke August Foehammer <7th Legion>
Duke of Cynders <Abyssal Duke> †
Duke of Fathoms <Abyssal Duke> †
Duke Hydraxis
Hydross the Unstable <Duke of Currents> †
Duke of Shards <Abyssal Duke> †
Duke Singen <The New Hotness> †
Duke of Zephyrs <Abyssal Duke> †
Faceless one[]
Erudax <Duke of Below> †
Duke Falrevere
Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff <The Argent Dawn>
Duke Lionheart
Duke Lankral
Duchess Mynx – quartermaster of the Knights of the Ebon Blade
Duke Vallenhal <Servant of the Lich King> †
In Warcraft III[]
- Others: Duke Dreadmoore, Duke Ragereaver, Duke Wintermaul. They are random heroes in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
- Duchess Pamay – only mentioned in
[35] Martek the Exiled
Count Erlgadin †
Sir S. J. Erlgadin (does not use his title for political reasons)
Count Remington Ridgewell
Countess Cecilia Clessington
Baron Revilgaz – goblin leader of the Blackwater Raiders headquartered in Booty Bay
Trade Baron Silversnap <Baron of Bogpaddle>
Glutonia <The Greedy Baroness> – goblin manager for the Bank of Dalaran
Baron Aquanis – a water elemental in Blackfathom Deeps †
Marsh Baron Brok †
Baron Charr – a fire elemental usually encountered at the central crater of Un'Goro Crater †
Baron Geddon – a fire elemental boss in Molten Core †
Baron Kazum <Abyssal High Council> – a mountain giant encountered in Silithus †
High elf[]
Baron Freeman <Westfall Brigade>
Baron Garithos – Lord of Blackwood †
Baron Othmar Garithos – Alliance Grand Marshal †
Baron Longshore <Southsea Freebooters> – a human captain of a pirate ship along the Merchant Coast of The Barrens
Baron Sablemane – a mysterious human near the arena in Blade's Edge Mountains
Baron Ulrik von Stromhearth
Baron Vardus – a human leader who directs Syndicate camps in the foothills of the Alterac Mountains †
Baroness Anastari – a banshee encountered in western (undead) Stratholme †
Baron Ashbury – a Forsaken renegade baron found in Shadowfang Keep †
Baron Blackwood
Baron Rafe Dreuger – a human ghost in Karazhan †
Baroness Dorothea Millstipe – one of the ghostly dinner guests of Moroes in Karazhan †
Baron Reigol Valdread - First mate of the Dryad, former assassin of the SI:7
Baron Rivendare – a fierce death knight in Naxxramas †
Baron Silverlaine – a human ghost in Shadowfang Keep †
Baron Sliver
In Comics[]
In Warcraft III[]
- Others: Baron Bloodbane, Baron Felblade, Baron Frostfel, Baron Perenolde, and Baron Morte are random heroes in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Thane Angerforge †
High Thane Madoran Bronzebeard †
Iron Thane Burningeye †
Thane Corehammer †
Thane Ironstar †
Iron Thane Shadowforge †
Sorcerer-thane Thaurissan †
High Thane Falstad Wildhammer
High Thane Khardros Wildhammer †
Thane Kurdran Wildhammer
Thane Yoregar
Thane Wildsky
Iron dwarf[]
Iron Thane Argrum †
Iron Thane Furyhammer <Thane of Dun Argol> †
Overthane Balargarde <Master of Jotunheim> †
Thane Banahogg <The Deathblow> †
Thane Torvald Eriksson †
Halfdan the Ice-Hearted <Thane of Skorn> †
Thane Illskar †
Thane Ufrang the Mighty †
Khan Ablinh <Galak Chieftain>
Khan Blizh <Galak Chieftain>
Khan Dez'hepah †
Khan Gragtor †
Khan Hratha †
Khan Jehn †
Khan Kammah
Khan Leh'Prah
Khan Shaka †
Khan Shodo
Krenka †
Spirit of Gelk <The Second Khan>
Spirit of Kolk <The First Khan>
Spirit of Magra <The Third Khan>
Spirit of Maraudos <The Fourth Khan>
Spirit of Veng <The Fifth Khan>
War Khan †
Asaad <Caliph of Zephyrs> †
In Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, it is a rank you can achieve.
Overlord Agmar <Kor'kron Commander>
Overlord Barbarius
Overlord Bor'gorok
Overlord Garrosh Hellscream <Overlord of the Warsong Offensive> †
Overlord Krom'gar
Overlord Hun Maimfist <Hand of the Warchief>
Overlord Mor'ghor
Overlord Or'barokh
Overlord Razgor
Overlord Runthak
High Overlord Varok Saurfang †
Archimonde † - Overlord of the Legion Forces
In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, it is a rank you can achieve.
Lord Angler
Lord Skwol <Abyssal High Council>
[Lord Woofington]
Blood elf[]
Knight-Lord Bloodvalor
Lord Solanar Bloodwrath
Lady Eonys
Lady Liadrin – leader of the blood knights
Lady Malande
Lord Saltheril
Lord Sanguinar <The Blood Hammer>
Lor'themar Theron <Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas>
Lord Torvos
Blood Lord Zarath <Icarius's Bodyguard> †
Kil'jaeden †
Archimonde †
Lord Jaraxxus
Lord Azrethoc †
Illidari Lord Balthas
Lord Banehollow †
Lady Hederine †
Lord Hel'nurath †
Doom Lord Kazzak †
Highlord Kruul †
Lord Melenas †
Lady Sacrolash †
Lord Vyletongue †
Magtheridon †
Illidan Stormrage †
Varos Cloudstrider <Azure-Lord of the Blue Dragonflight> †
Chrono Lord Deja †
Chrono-Lord Epoch †
Lord Devrestrasz
Warbringer Goredrak <Azure-Lord of the Blue Dragonflight> †
Blacklord Hamarahk †
Lord Itharius <Ambassador of the Green Dragonflight>
Lord Victor Nefarius <Lord of Blackrock> †
Nozdormu <The Lord of Time>
Lady Katrana Prestor †
Lord Raadan †
Lord Surristrasz
Lord Valthalak †
Lord Captain Wyrmak †
Golem Lord Argelmach †
Lord Cyrik Blackforge †
Crusader Lord Dalfors
Keep Lord Farson †
Mountain-Lord Rendan
Lord Ahune <The Frost Lord>
Al'Akir the Windlord †
Andrazor <Lord of Cinders> †
Anshal <Lord of the West Wind> †
Blazefury <Firelord> †
Magma Lord Bokk †
Lord Cannon †
Cyrukh the Firelord <The Dirge of Karabor> †
Lord Everblaze †
Fah Jarakk <Lord of Smoke> †
Flashfire <Firelord> †
Gargoral the Water Lord †
Hatespark <Firelord> †
Heatflayer <Firelord> †
Lord Hydronis †
Lord Incendius †
Ivus the Forest Lord
Kelbnar <Lord of Ashes> †
Lord Klaq †
Magma Lord Kolob †
Lokholar the Ice Lord
Lord Magmathar †
Nezir <Lord of the North Wind>
Lord Overheat †
Ragepyre <Firelord> †
Ragnaros the Firelord †
Lord Roccor †
Rohash <Lord of the East Wind> †
Rokdar the Sundered Lord
Searris <Lord of Embers> †
Siamat <Lord of the South Wind> †
Singeslayer <Firelord> †
Thunderaan — The Windlord
High elf[]
Lord Aedelas Blackmoore †
Lord Ashbury the 1st †
Lord Nicholas Buzan
Lord Darius Crowley
Lord Ello Ebonlocke <Mayor of Darkshire>
Lady Evanor
Twilight Lord Everun <Twilight's Hammer>
Lord Falconcrest <Syndicate Leader>
Lady Mara Fordragon †
Lord Garithos †
Lord Gryan Stoutmantle
Lord Raymond George <Argent Dawn> †
Lord Hewell
Lady Hoteshem
Lady Dena Kennedy
Crusader Lord Lantinga
Lord Gregor Lescovar †
Lord Anduin Lothar †
Lord Maldazzar
Lord Mayor Morrison <Pyrewood Council Leader> †
Scarlet Lord Borugh †
Lord Aliden Perenolde †
Lady Beve Perenolde
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt
Lord Duncan Senturus †
Lord Tony Romano <Rogue Trainer>
Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker <Paladin Trainer>
Lord Irulon Trueblade <The Argent Crusade>
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
Mage-Lord Urom †
Lord Uther the Lightbringer †
Lord Geoffery Tulvan aka Lord Geoffery Wildwolf †
Lord Baurles K. Wishock
Lord Ignaeus Trollbane †
Lord Edrias Ulnur
Lord Joran Tremaind
Lady Darkscale
Fathom-Lord Heth'Jatar
Lady Janira
Fathom-Lord Karathress
Lord Kassarus
Lord Kragaru
Lady Naz'jar
Tidelord Rrurgaz
Lord Sakrasis
Lady Sarevess
Lady Serpentra
Lady Sesspira
Lord Shalzaru
Lady Shav'rar
Lady Silisthra
Lord Sinslayer
Lady Sira'kess <Mistress of the Tides>
Lady Szallah
Lady Vashj †
Lady Vespia
Lady Vespira
Lady Vesthra
Lord Xiz
Lady Zephris
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar
Night elf[]
Lady Anacondra <Fanglord> †
Twilight-Lord Arkkus
Lord Cobrahn <Fanglord> †
Lord Fallowmere
Lord Pythas <Fanglord> †
Lord Serpentis <Fanglord> †
Lord Illidan Stormrage †
Shadowlord Deathwail
Shadow Lord Fel'dan †
Twilight Lord Katrana
Twilight Lord Kelris
Dragon-Lord Neeralak
Lady Sevine †
Lord Kri †
Lady Alistra
Lord-Commander Arete
Lord Alexei Barov †
Lady Illucia Barov †
Lady Benel'derath
Lady Keira Berrybuck †
Cauldron Lord Bilemaw
Lord Blackwood
Lady Blaumeux
Lady Callow
Lich-Lord Chillwinter
Lady Cozwynn
Lord Robin Daris
Lord Darkscythe
Lady Deathwhisper
Lady Falther'ess
Lord Crispin Ference
Lord Vincent Godfrey
Lord Bethor Iceshard
Lord Malathrom
Cauldron Lord Malvinious
Lord Marrowgar
Lady Moongazer
Lady Nightswood
Kreug Oathbreaker <Ymirjar Giant Lord>
Lady Palanseer
Cauldron Lord Razarch
Lord Aurius Rivendare
Lord Ro'minate †
Cauldron Lord Soulwrath
Lord Thorval
Scourgelord Tyrannus
Crusader Lord Valdelmar
Lady Catriona Von'Indi
Lord Walden
In Warcraft III[]
Lord Talendar
- Others: Lord Nightsorrow, Lord Soulrender, Lord Dethstorm, Lord Darkhallow, Lord Lightstalker, Lord Darkscythe. They are random heroes in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Blood elf[]
Sir Maximus Adams <Arathi Basin Battlemaster>
Sir Wendell Balfour <Knight of Stormwind>
Sir Marcus Barlowe <Master of Arms>
Sir S. J. Erlgadin
Dame Alys Finnsson
Dame Evniki Kapsalis
Sir Turalyon
Sir Thomas Thomson <Son of Thomas>
Sir Malory Wheeler <Arathi Basin Battlemaster>
Sir Zeliek