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Night FaeLoa Rescue
Start Spirit of Vol'jin [40.8, 64.3]VZ-MawBlip
End Spirit of Vol'jin [45.8, 85.0]VZ-MawBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 11,800
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Tracking a Wild God
Next N [60] Rezan, Loa of Kings


Find and rescue the three loa trapped within the Maw.


We be here for Ashamane, but me sensin' loa bein' tortured up ahead. Three of dem, if me be right.

Me don't know who dey be, but dey don't belong in da Maw.

We need ta be bringin' dem back ta Ardenweald, too!


You will receive:


Rezan be needin' us!


There is no special dispensation for the Eye of the Jailer, so if players are at max threat they may want to return after the reset.

On accept:

Spirit of Vol'jin says: Da loa be somewhere across sa bridge. We best be movin'.

Head in to the Beastwarrens and turn south to the quest location, finding Hir'eek:

Spirit of Vol'jin says: Hir'eek! I heard his screech when he be dyin' in Nazmir...

Interact with Hi'reek to free him:

The soul enters your Soulkeeper.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Dere be more loa dis way. Hurry!

Further south to Marrow's Coppice to find Shadra chained up at the mouth of Death's Roar:

Spirit of Vol'jin says: Shadra! Bwonsamdi told me she been consumed by her own priestess...

Interact with her, then head into the cave:

The soul enters your Soulkeeper.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Dere be one loa left... one almost gone...

Inside, Exhaurbius is channeling a spell into Rezan, draining him of his anima:

Spirit of Vol'jin says: Rezan! Da loa of kings! We need ta break dat barrier!


  1. N [60] An Expected Guest
  2. N [60] Something Extra for the Winter Queen
  3. N [60] The Problem with Containing a Death Loa, N [60] Dark Mojo for a Dark Loa, and N [60] Delaying the Other Side
  4. N [60] One Little Whisper
  5. N [60] Maw Manifested
  6. N [60] Tracking a Wild God
  7. N [60] Loa Rescue
  8. N [60] Rezan, Loa of Kings
  9. N [60] Parting Ways

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Me know dat we only be here ta rescue Ashamane, but me be sensin' more loa bein' tortured up ahead.

Dey be familiar loa, but me no be knowin' who dey be.

All me be tellin' is dey no belong in dis place. Dey shoulda gone ta Ardenweald.

We need ta rescue de loa stuck in here! If me be correct, dere be three of dem.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
