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AllianceLogistics Officer Silverstone
Image of Logistics Officer Silverstone
Title <Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra[57.7, 66.5]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
Status Alive

Logistics Officer Silverstone is a human quartermaster located at Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra.


Logistics Officer Silverstone/Logistics Officer Brighton
<Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Revered Inv wand 15 [Gnomish Magician's Quill] 44g 39s 30c Wand
Inv mace 60 [Hammer of the Alliance Vanguard] 61g 69s 1c One-hand mace
Inv shield 49 [Lordaeron's Resolve] 37g 73s 58c Shield
Inv misc orb 01 [Orb of the Eastern Kingdoms] 17g 93s 86c Off-hand
Inv weapon rifle 19 [Sawed-Off Hand Cannon] 46g 61s 1c Gun
Inv shield 36 [Shield of the Lion-Hearted] 39g 19s 33c Shield
Inv weapon shortblade 69 [Vanguard Soldier's Dagger] 59g 41s 90c Dagger
Exalted Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Titanium Plating] 15g Blacksmithing (450)
Inv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper] 320g Engineering (450)

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