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AllianceLogistics Officer Ulrike
Image of Logistics Officer Ulrike
Title <Honor Hold Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Honor Hold
Occupation Officer
Location Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula[56.7, 62.6]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
Status Alive

Logistics Officer Ulrike is a human Honor Hold faction vendor located at Honor Hold in the Hellfire Peninsula.

Items sold[]

Logistics Officer Ulrike
<Honor Hold Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
Inv drink waterskin 05 [Footman's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
Inv mushroom 01 [Dried Mushroom Rations] 45s Consumable
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv sword 20 [Footman's Longsword] 34g 98s 1c One Hand Sword
Inv jewelry ring 11 [Sage's Band] 11g 47s 80c Ring
Inv shoulder 22 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 35s 13c Plate Shoulder
Inv gauntlets 29 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 7s 19c Plate Hands
Inv helmet 22 [Savage Plate Helm] 22g 52s 19c Plate Head
Inv helmet 09 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 5s 3c Mail Head
Inv chest chain 11 [Seer's Mail Armor] 27g 14s 76c Mail Chest
Inv gauntlets 11 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 12g 65s 14c Mail Hands
Inv gauntlets 11 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 12g 74s 90c Mail Hands
Inv chest leather 03 [Dragonhide Robe] 22g 38s 11c Leather Chest
Inv shoulder 12 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 84s 68c Leather Shoulder
Inv gauntlets 28 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 11g 27s 19c Leather Hands
Inv gauntlets 28 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 11g 15s 9c Leather Hands
Inv chest cloth 43 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 58s 29c Cloth Chest
Inv shoulder 19 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 23s 46c Cloth Shoulder
Inv chest cloth 43 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 77s 64c Cloth Chest
Inv helmet 30 [Satin Hood] 13g 28s 35c Cloth Head
Revered Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv weapon halberd 12 [Hellforged Halberd] 55g 50s 19c Polearm
Inv jewelry ring 43 [Ring of Convalescence] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Exalted Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 9g Enchanting (300)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Honor Hold Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv sword 11 [Honor's Call] 192g 13s 50c One Hand Sword
Inv weapon rifle 02 [Veteran's Musket] 152g 27s 89c Gun
Inv weapon shortblade 37 [Blade of the Archmage] 204g 50s 2c Main Hand Sword



Greetings, <name>. As you rise in rank among the forces of Honor Hold, I will give you access to some of the different goods we keep in stock.

Buy Show me what I've earned the right to purchase.


  • As of patch 2.4.0 Outland faction quartermasters also sell reputation based, class-specific armor sets. Each class has between one and three different armor sets, each of which are PvP oriented, superior quality loot. See Category:Class sets for information on each specific set.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
