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NeutralLongying Ranger
Image of Longying Ranger
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 25-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shado-Pan
Occupation Ranger
Location Fire Camp Osul, Townlong Steppes
Status Alive

Longying Rangers are pandaren found at Fire Camp Osul in Townlong Steppes. They are rangers of the Shado-Pan that were captured by the Osul yaungol.


  • Ability rogue slicedice Sweeping Strikes — Causes the caster's next 5 melee attacks to strike an additional nearby enemy. This battle frenzy is tiring, however, and lasts 10 sec. at most.
  • Monk ability fistoffury Fists of Fury — Inflicts Physical damage every second to all enemies in front of caster.
  • Ability kick Snap Kick — Kicks an enemy for 10% weapon damage, interrupting the spell being cast for 2 sec.
  • Ability warrior disarm Steal Weapon — Steals an enemy's weapon, forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for 6 sec.

Objective of[]


  • I knew someone would come for us! Let me help you fight the yaungol.
  • I'm in your debt, stranger. Please let me help you.
  • Thank you, <race>. It would be my honor to fight at your side.
  • Just what I was waiting for! Time to introduce those yaungol to my fists!
  • Thank you for freeing me, <brother/sister>. I cannot let you fight alone.
  • Have you seen the yaungol fighting each other? It seems their troubles run deeper than we thought.

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